Issue - meetings

Romsey CGR

Meeting: 07/09/2022 - Council (Item 183)

183 Test Valley Borough Council Community Governance Review Romsey Town - Final Recommendations pdf icon PDF 245 KB

To consider the final recommendations of the Test Valley Community Governance Review for Romsey Town.

Additional documents:


Councillors Adams-King, Baverstock, Burnage, M Cooper, Daas and Parker who had declared an interest with respect to the Test Valley Borough Council Community Governance Review Romsey Town - Final Recommendations left the room before the consideration of this item commenced.


Consideration was given to a report of the Democracy and Governance Portfolio

Holder which set out proposed Final Recommendations for the Romsey Town

Community Governance Review (CGR).


Two stages of public consultation had been undertaken in respect of proposals, with representations received having been reviewed and considered by the Community Governance Review Members Group.


The recommendations proposed that the whole of Romsey Extra Parish be transferred to Romsey Town Council, with the exception of a small part of Romsey Extra immediately adjacent to Awbridge. That part of Romsey Extra would be transferred to Awbridge.


The outcome of the review would be implemented by a Reorganisation Order, taking effect on 1 April 2023, with parish councillors being elected to the revised parish councils of Romsey and Awbridge in May 2023.




1.  That the Proposed Final Recommendations set out in Annex 1 to the report be adopted by the Council as Final Recommendations for the purposes of the Community Governance Review.


2.  That the Final Recommendations be published and arrangements be made by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to inform those persons who may have an interest in them.


3.  That the consent of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) be sought where required in respect of those Final Recommendations before a reorganisation order is made.


4.  That, following receipt of any necessary LGBCE consents, delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to give effect to the Final Recommendations.


5.  That following the decision in 4 above, details of that decision and the reasons for it be published and arrangements be made by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to inform those persons who may have an interest in the review of the decision and the reasons for the decision.


6.  That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Democracy and Governance Portfolio Holder, to take decisions in respect of the transfer of property, liabilities, funds and staff arising from the Final Recommendations.


7.  That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be given delegated authority to prepare and make an order under Section 86 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 to implement the above.


Following the vote, Councillors Adams-King, Baverstock, Burnage, M Cooper, Daas and Parker returned to the room.