242 Impact of Revenue Funding for Community Bodies PDF 186 KB
To report on the impact of Test Valley Borough Council’s revenue funding programme, which provides over £350,000 of funding per year to charitable organisations (20 minutes)
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Consideration was given to a report of the Community Manager which provides an update on the impact of Test Valley Borough Council’s revenue funding programme, which provides over £350,000 of funding per year to charitable organisations.
Test Valley Borough Council has long recognised the value of a vibrant and robust community and voluntary sector. The Revenue Funding Programme is one example of how the Council invests resources into supporting and developing the sector to increase the quality of life for residents in Test Valley, whilst also reducing demand on public services.
The programme encompasses a broad range of funding offers, both in terms of funding value and in the nature of projects funded, with a mix of core funding of organisations which the Council would consider to be strategic partners, through to funding for specific elements of well-defined projects.
This report briefs Members on the impact of that funding for the organisations and their service users in the 2022-23 financial year.
That Overview and Scrutiny Committee notes the content of the report and supports the continued monitoring and development of services funded through the Council’s Revenue Funding Programme.