Venue: Being held virtually by Microsoft Teams . The Public can listen to the live stream here:
Contact: Caroline Lovelock - 01264 368014 Email:
Note: The meeting will start streaming below at 5:30pm.
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prayers Minutes: The Chief Executive read out prayers prepared by Reverend Canon Jill Bentall who was not able to be present at the meeting. |
Apologies Minutes:
Apologies were received from Councillors Cross, Dass and Gidley. |
Public Participation Minutes: No members of the public had registered to speak. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 27 January 2021 Minutes: Councillor A Dowden thanked the Leader for the response to his question at the last Council meeting regarding Youth Outreach project which will now take place in March.
That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27 January 2021 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor thanked Councillors L and P Lashbrook for arranging a contingency broadband connection to join the meeting today following problems with their broadband.
The Mayor paid tribute to the Covid vaccinations teams across the country. The number of people that have been vaccinated has been enormous due to the support and resilience of everyone involved. |
To adopt a resolution relating to the Council Tax 2021/22 The Council is required by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to make a resolution relating to Council Tax in advance of the start of each financial year. Minutes: The Finance Portfolio Holder presented details of the Council Tax for 2021/22.
The Worshipful the Mayor reminded members that a recorded vote was required on this item.
The Finance Portfolio Holder introduced the item by delivering her annual budget speech. Following the introduction by Government of a new law in 2014 relating to certain budget decisions, the Council was required to take a recorded vote on both this item and item on the agenda, To adopt a resolution relating to the Council Tax for 2021/22.
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services took the vote, Members voted as follows;
1. That approval is noted of the revised revenue forecast for the year 2020/2021 and the revenue estimates for the year 2021/2022, together with the revised capital programme for the year 2020/2021 and the capital programme for the year 2021/2022.
2. That for the purposes of Section 35(2)(d) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the Act), the sum of £333,348, being the aggregate sum of expenses in relation to public halls, burial grounds, sports grounds and playgrounds incurred by the Council in performing in the parish of Andover the functions not performed by the Town Council, shall be treated as Special Expenses and any expenditure other than the £333,348 herein specified shall be treated as general expenses. The Special Expenses sum equates to an amount of £20.12 per Band D Council Tax.
3. That it be noted that the Head of Finance & Revenues has calculated the Council Tax Base for 2021/2022 for the whole Borough area as 50,316 (Item T in the formula in Section 33(1) of the Act) and, in those parts of its area to which a Parish/Town precept relates, as per the table below:
To receive and adopt Committee reports Minutes:
Questions under Rule 11.1 Minutes: There were no questions under Rule 11.1 |
Questions under Rule 11.2 Minutes: Question 1
Councillor Ecclestone asked the Leisure and Community Portfolio Holder a number of questions regarding the Longmeadow Hall in Andover.
· Can the portfolio holder confirm that some GBP 9675 was paid to Romsey Community School Ltd and charged to the residents of Andover via the Levy?
Councillor Jeffrey replied that over the last four years, no funding that has been paid to Romsey Community School or Romsey Community Service Ltd (RCS) who manage the centre that has subsequently ended up being charged to the levy.
· Can the portfolio holder confirm that Romsey Community School Ltd is a commercial company and not a Community Interest Corporation?
Councillor Jeffrey replied that information regarding the status Romsey Community Services Ltd is freely available on the Companies House website
· Can the portfolio holder reassure councillors and Andover residents that none of the directors of the Romsey Community School have any connection to TVBC members of officers (past or present).
Councillor Jeffrey replied that he had no knowledge of whether the directors have ‘any connection’ to TVBC members or officers past or present.
· RCS has paid up share capital of one pound only. As at the 31st of August 2019, the company had liabilities of GBP388,640. Can the portfolio holder assure councillors and the Andover public that no part of the levy monies were employed (either directly or indirectly) to subsidise the interest that RCS must pay on these debts?
Councillor Jeffrey replied that the sum charged to the Special Expenses Levy represents works carried out to the fabric of the building in accordance with the Council’s lease obligations.
· Can the portfolio holder confirm that Romsey Community School Ltd is wholly-owned by an organisation called Gateway Multi-Academy Trust (a company limited by guarantee).
Councillor Jeffrey replied that this information is freely available at Companies House. Share capital / liabilities listed are those stated in the last set of accounts submitted on the 26th March 2020 held on Companies House.
Romsey Community Services Ltd is controlled by Gateway Multi Academy Trust (which is the Academy Trust for Romsey Community School) and holds 100% of the company’s share capital.
· Over and beyond all the former, can the portfolio holder inform councillors and Andover ratepayers as to why a commercial company from Romsey is running the Longmeadow hall and NOT a local community association?
The services provided from the Longmeadow Centre are for the benefit of the local community and include education, skills training and family support.
With strong links between Romsey Community School, Harrow Way Community School and Andover Adult & Family Learning an agreement was reached for Romsey Community Services Ltd to take over and continue to offer the services provided by Andover Adult & Family Learning.
Romsey Community Services Ltd have also been a longstanding partner of the Test Valley Partnership and have played a significant role in supporting the community response in regards to COVID and over the years key government programmes such as Supporting Families.
· Councillor Ecclestone commented that the £9,675 charged out ... view the full minutes text for item 419. |
Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 To approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Leader which gave details of the Council’s Pay Policy Statement 2020/21
Section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011, required English and Welsh local authorities to produce and publish a pay policy statement for each financial year. The Pay Policy Statement assembled the required statutory information from the Council’s existing policies and presents them as a single document to meet the requirements of the Localism Act.
That the Pay Policy Statement attached at Annex 1 to the report be approved. |
Revised Calendar of Meetings 2020/21 To consider the revised Calendar of Meetings for 2020/21. Additional documents: Minutes:
Consideration was given to a report of the Corporate Portfolio Holder which set out proposals to extend the time between regular meetings of Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny in order to facilitate the business of the Council in a timelier manner and to better align with the Council’s reporting deadlines.
The revised Council Calendar of meetings 2021/22 provides a schedule which increases the length of time between regular ordinary meetings of Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny to allow Members and officers more time to progress business and report back to future meetings in a more effective way and to better aligns with the Council’s reporting deadlines.
Resolved: 1. As a pilot and with effect from 19 May 2021, the frequency of Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny meetings be moved from a 4 week to a 5/6 weekly cycle, for the municipal year 2021/22. 2. A review of the new arrangements be reported to Council in February 2022. 3. That the draft Calendar of Meetings for 2021/22, as set out in the Annex to the report, be approved.
Notice of Motion - Rule 12 DOTX 40 KB To consider motions proposed by Councillors Adams-King, Coole and Gwynne.
1. Councillor Adams-King proposed and Councillor Bundy seconded the following motion;
That the Council supports the principle of a South Hampshire Green Belt designation for the countryside surrounding the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth, and continues to support the Partnership for South Hampshire in its work on investigating the rationale and justification for an appropriate Green Belt designation or other forms of protection for the countryside to prevent coalescence of our towns and villages.
Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
2. Councillor Coole proposed and Councillor Ecclestone seconded the following motion;
That for the 2021/22 budget, Precept and Levy and in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992, Council Resolves to:
Remove Grounds Maintenance as a Special Item and that only grounds maintenance incomes and expenses arising from the maintenance of the Special Items, are charged to the appropriate Special Items.
Upon being put to the vote the Motion was lost.
3. Councillor Coole proposed and Councillor Ecclestone seconded the following motion;
That in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992, Council Resolves to:
Apologise to both past and current residents of the Parish of Andover for subjecting them to double taxation since the formation of Andover Town Council in 2010.
Ensure that from 2022/23, both the current and future residents of the Parish of Andover are no longer subjected to double taxation by terminating the Andover Special Expenses Levy, by means of either transferring the Special Items to the Borough Budget or transferring them to Andover Town Council.
Upon being put to the vote the motion was lost.
4. Councillor Coole proposed and Councillor Ecclestone seconded the following motion;
That for the 2021/22 budget, Precept and Levy and in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992, Council Resolves to confirm the list of items set out in the agenda are Special Items and that their incomes and expenses are duly charged to the Andover Special Expenses Levy:
It was suggested that the Andover Levy be discussed as an Overview and Scrutiny round table discussion and confirmed by the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and therefore Councillor Coole agreed to withdraw this motion.
5. Councillor Coole withdrew the motion;
That in accordance with the amended Constitution adopted in April 2019, the Council:
Instructs the Section 151 Officer to effect the retrospective payment of the SRA allowance due to the Minority Opposition Group Leader since May 2019 and in accordance with Council Resolutions passed since January 2019 and the amended Constitution adopted in April 2019.
6. Councillor Coole withdrew the motion
Approves that Part Six Section Two of the Constitution be amended from Minority Opposition Group Leader to "Opposition Group Leaders".
Adopts the Role Description for all Opposition Group Leaders as set out in the agenda.
7. Councillor Coole withdrew the motion:
In response to the UK Government's
commitment to the British National (Overseas) residents of Hong
Kong, Council Resolves to: |