Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 20 November 2024 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 1, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover SP10 3AJ

Contact: Emma Silverton - 01264 368000  Email:

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.


Public Participation


No members of the public had registered to speak.


Councillor Gwynne had registered to speak on agenda item 6 – Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and agenda item15 – King John’s House.


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2024.


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 2 October 2024 were proposed by Councillor P North and seconded by Councillor Flood.



That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:




1.  That work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee resulting from the Regeneration Panel be noted.


2.  That all councillor briefings be arranged to update on progress with both masterplans at least annually, and at all key milestones.


3.  That a review of progress and next steps for the Andover masterplan to be undertaken in 2026.


4.  That all member briefings be held on the future business plan for the new theatre and the current management arrangements for the Chantry Centre.



Councillor Gwynne addressed Cabinet as the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Regeneration Panel and suggested that it may be helpful to seek the input from external experts as part of the proposed review in 2026. Cabinet were supportive of further discussion about how this might be taken forward nearer to the time of the proposed review.


Cabinet noted the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to the refresh of the Climate Emergency Action Plan and would take this into consideration as part of the Cabinet meeting’s next agenda item; 7 – Climate Emergency Action Plan.


Cabinet expressed their thanks to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their work in respect of the Regeneration Panel and Climate Emergency Action Plan.



1.  That work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee resulting from the Regeneration Panel be noted.

2.  That all councillor briefings be arranged to update on progress with both masterplans at least annually, and at all key milestones.

3.  That a review of progress and next steps for the Andover masterplan to be undertaken in 2026.

4.  That all member briefings be held on the future business plan for the new theatre and the current management arrangements for the Chantry Centre.


Climate Emergency Action Plan pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Climate Emergency and Countryside

To review the Climate Emergency Action Plan.

Additional documents:




1.  That the Climate Emergency Action Plan, annexed to the report, be approved.


2.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development be given delegated authority to make changes of a minor nature to the Climate Emergency Action Plan in consultation with the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder prior to publication.


Consideration was given to the report of the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder which presented an updated Climate Emergency Action Plan 2024-27.


The cross-party Climate Emergency Working Group had guided the development of the refreshed document and would be further involved in the delivery of actions and monitoring of progress.


The updated Plan focussed on further reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving resilience to the effects of climate change, both for the Council and supporting such actions, along with other parties, for the borough.  


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Johnston, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the Climate Emergency Action Plan, annexed to the report, be approved.

2.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development be given delegated authority to make changes of a minor nature to the Climate Emergency Action Plan in consultation with the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder prior to publication.


Recommendation from Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider recommendations from the Licensing Committee on 3 October 2024.




1.  That a fee for resitting a failed driver knowledge test for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing be introduced and set at £30 for each subsequent resit.

2.  That a fee for the provision of approved door signs for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licensing be introduced and set at £6 per sign.


The Governance and Democracy Portfolio Holder introduced recommendations from the Licensing Committee in relation to new standards for taxi licensing.

Following public consultation, the Licensing Committee had approved a new Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy effective from January 2025.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Lodge, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That a fee for resitting a failed driver knowledge test for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing be introduced and set at £30 for each subsequent resit.

2.  That a fee for the provision of approved door signs for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licensing be introduced and set at £6 per sign.


Fees and Charges 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Finance and Resources

To recommend the level of charges for services provided by the Council in 2025/26.

Additional documents:




1.  That the fees and charges for 2025/26, as set out in the annexes to the report, be approved.


2.  That Heads of Service be authorised to increase relevant fees and charges in line with statutory levels should they change following this report.


Consideration was given to the report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which presented the proposed Fees and Charges for 2025/26.


As far as was possible, increases in charges within the control of the Council had been minimised. Details of increases were set out in the report.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Flood, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the fees and charges for 2025/26, as set out in the annexes to the report, be approved.

2.  That Heads of Service be authorised to increase relevant fees and charges in line with statutory levels should they change following this report.


Corporate Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Finance and Resources

To review the Council’s revenue spending for the first half of 2024/25 financial year.

Additional documents:




1.  That the financial position for each service and the key revenue areas contained in the Annex to the report be noted.


2.  That the Treasury Management update in paragraph 4 of the report be noted.


Consideration was given to the report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which reviewed the Council’s revenue spending for the first six months of the 2024/25 financial year.


Overall, net expenditure to 30 September 2024 was as budgeted at this stage of the year. This comprised lower income and additional costs of £246,000 due to service-related activities offset by £246,000 more income from the Council’s investing and borrowing activities.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Flood, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the financial position for each service and the key revenue areas contained in the Annex to the report be noted.

2.  That the Treasury Management update in paragraph 4 of the report be noted.


Capital Programme Update 2024/25 to 2026/27 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Finance and Resources

To provide an update on the progress of the 2024/25 Capital Programme.

Additional documents:


Recommended to Council:


1.  That the new capital schemes with a total cost of £450,220 as shown in Annex 2 to the report, be added to the 2024/25 to 2026/27 Capital Programme.


2.  That the continuation of statutory capital projects, as shown in Annex 2 to the report, be added to the 2024/25 to 2026/27 Capital Programme.


3.  That the revised estimates and financing for the 2024/25 to 2026/27 Capital Programme, as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.


4.  That the Head of Housing & Environmental Health, in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues; the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder; and the Housing and Environmental Health Portfolio Holder, be authorised to allocate the Affordable Housing Grants budget to new projects when they are identified.



Consideration was given to the report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which provided an update on the Capital Programme 2024/25 to 2026/27.


The update included a summary of progress of the existing 2024/25 Capital Programme and included forecast changes to its timescale and total cost.


Proposals for new capital schemes recommended to be added to the Capital Programme over the period 2024/25 to 2025/26 were also included. The total cost of new projects recommended for inclusion in the Capital Programme was £2.150M. After taking into account external funding and contributions from reserves, the net cost of these bids was £411,720.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Flood, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:


Recommended to Council:

1.  That the new capital schemes with a total cost of £450,220 as shown in Annex 2 to the report, be added to the 2024/25 to 2026/27 Capital Programme.

2.  That the continuation of statutory capital projects, as shown in Annex 2 to the report, be added to the 2024/25 to 2026/27 Capital Programme.

3.  That the revised estimates and financing for the 2024/25 to 2026/27 Capital Programme, as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.

4.  That the Head of Housing & Environmental Health, in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues; the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder; and the Housing and Environmental Health Portfolio Holder, be authorised to allocate the Affordable Housing Grants budget to new projects when they are identified.


Asset Management Plan Update pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Finance and Resources

To provide an update on the approved 2024/25 Asset Management Plan.

Additional documents:


Recommended to Council:


1.  That the revised 2024/25 and original 2025/26 Asset Management Plan, as shown in annexes 1 and 2 to the report, be approved.


2.  That the Head of Finance and Revenues, after consultation with the Finance and Resources Portfolio holder and Head of Service responsible for any project, be authorised to amend the Asset Management Plan during the year, as discussed in paragraph 7.3 of the report.


Consideration was given to the report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which provided an update on the approved 2024/25 Asset Management Plan (AMP) and recommended projects to be included in the 2025/26 budget.


The report provided an update on the financing of AMP projects, including a forecast of the balance on the Asset Management Reserve at 31 March 2026.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Flood, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:


Recommended to Council:

1.  That the revised 2024/25 and original 2025/26 Asset Management Plan, as shown in annexes 1 and 2 to the report, be approved.

2.  That the Head of Finance and Revenues, after consultation with the Finance and Resources Portfolio holder and Head of Service responsible for any project, be authorised to amend the Asset Management Plan during the year, as discussed in paragraph 7.3 of the report.


Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy pdf icon PDF 130 KB


To seek approval of the Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy.

Additional documents:




1.  That the Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy, as shown in the Annex to the report, be approved, replacing the current Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy.


2.  That the Head of Planning and Building be authorised, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, to determine the commencement date for the Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy and replacement of the Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy.



Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Portfolio Holder which presented the Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy which would provide an updated mechanism to deliver mitigation for recreational impacts as a result of certain new residential development and other forms of overnight accommodation within the southern part of Test Valley on the Solent Special Protection Areas.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Bundy, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy, as shown in the Annex to the report, be approved, replacing the current Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy.

2.  That the Head of Planning and Building be authorised, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, to determine the commencement date for the Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy and replacement of the Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy.


Solent Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund - Inter Authority Agreement pdf icon PDF 139 KB


To consider the Council entering into a legal agreement.




1.  That the Head of Planning and Building, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to sign the Solent Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund Projects Inter Authority Agreement (‘the Agreement’).


2.  That the Head of Planning and Building in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues and Portfolio Holders for Planning and Finance and Resources be authorised:


a.  to confirm the Council as a Benefiting or Host Authority for projects delivered through the Inter Authority Agreement, and


b.  in consultation with the Head of Property and Asset Management in addition to those consultees listed at 2 to take all steps necessary to effect the purchase of land to comprise a mitigation project as set out in the Agreement.


Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Portfolio Holder which set out details of a proposed legal agreement for the Council to establish the mechanism from which mitigation projects could be delivered via the Solent Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund.


Government funding was awarded in January 2024 to facilitate the delivery of nutrient mitigation across the Solent sub-region. In order to effectively deploy the fund across all catchments, and to form a Solent Mitigation Partnership bringing together all impacted authorities to deliver a strategic local authority led solution, an Inter Authority Agreement (IAA) was proposed. Governance for the project was provided by PfSH including which mitigation sites would be brought forward. The lead authority would be responsible for managing the sale of nutrient credits to developers.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Bundy, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the Head of Planning and Building, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to sign the Solent Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund Projects Inter Authority Agreement (‘the Agreement’).

2.  That the Head of Planning and Building in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues and Portfolio Holders for Planning and Finance and Resources be authorised:

a.  to confirm the Council as a Benefiting or Host Authority for projects delivered through the Inter Authority Agreement, and

b.  in consultation with the Head of Property and Asset Management in addition to those consultees listed at 2 to take all steps necessary to effect the purchase of land to comprise a mitigation project as set out in the Agreement.


King John's House pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Community, Leisure and Tourism

To seek approval to financially support King John’s House.




1.  That King John’s House receive revenue cost support for 2025/26.  The amount of revenue support within the budgeted sum to be delegated to the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues, Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Tourism and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources.


2.  That the decision on whether and to what extent support should be provided within the existing budget until March 2028 be delegated to the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues, Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Tourism and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources.





Councillor Gwynne made a statement in respect of proposals for the King John’s House Grant.


Consideration was given to the report of the Community, Leisure and Tourism Portfolio Holder which set put proposals for financial support for King John’s House’s revenue staffing costs for 2025/26.


Proposals for funding, as set out in the report, would provide King John’s House, a key tourism asset, with a degree of financial security whilst encouraging them to become fully sustainable by March 2028.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Swain, seconded by Councillor P North and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That King John’s House receive revenue cost support for 2025/26.  The amount of revenue support within the budgeted sum to be delegated to the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues, Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Tourism and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources.

2.  That the decision on whether and to what extent support should be provided within the existing budget until March 2028 be delegated to the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Head of Finance and Revenues, Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Tourism and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources.





Councillor Champions pdf icon PDF 115 KB


To provide an overview of the Councillor Champion Scheme and propose appointments.




1.  That the revised Terms of Reference for the Councillor Champion Scheme set out at paragraph 2.11.2 of this report be approved.


2.  That the Councillors, as set out below, be appointed to the following Councillor Champion roles:


Active Travel    Councillor J Burnage

Armed Forces    Councillor IJeffrey

Community Resilience  Councillor P Lashbrook

Accessibility    Councillor L Lashbrook

Tourism    Councillor N Gwynne

Voluntary Sector    Councillor I Andersen



Consideration was given to the report of the Leader which presented proposals for Councillor Champions to be appointed for the remainder of the term of the Council, until May 2027.


The role of a Councillor Champion was to act in an advisory capacity to Cabinet in respect of specific areas of responsibility and allowed for the contribution of knowledge and expertise from non-Cabinet members.


Councillor P North proposed an amendment to the first recommendation to correct the reference to paragraph 2.10.2, and amend it to 2.11.2, the meetings consent was signally without discussion.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor P North, seconded by Councillor Flood and Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the revised Terms of Reference for the Councillor Champion Scheme set out at paragraph 2.11.2 of this report be approved.

2.  That the Councillors, as set out below, be appointed to the following Councillor Champion roles:

Active Travel  Councillor J Burnage

Armed Forces  Councillor I Jeffrey

Community Resilience  Councillor P Lashbrook

Accessibility  Councillor L Lashbrook

Tourism  Councillor N Gwynne

Voluntary Sector  Councillor I Andersen