Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 13 January 2021 5.30 pm

Venue: Being held virtually by Microsoft Teams . The Public can listen to the live stream here:

Contact: Karen Dunn - 01264 368401  Email:

Note: The meeting will start streaming below at 5:30pm. 

No. Item


Public Participation


In accordance with Council’s Procedure Rules, Mr T Langridge spoke on the Netrient Neutrality – Off Site Mitigation Financial Contributions Framework at the start of that item.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Johnston declared Disclosurable Pecuniary Interest in item 13 – Romsey Conservation Area Review as she owned property within the area under review.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items to consider.


Minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2020




That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: None


There were no recommendations to consider from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Interim Economic Development Strategy pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Planning Policy and Economic Development

To consider the Test Valley Interim Economic Development Strategy.

Additional documents:


1.  That the Test Valley Interim Economic Development Strategy, as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.

2.  That the Economic Development Officer, in consultation with the Economic and Tourism Development Portfolio Holder and the Head of Planning Policy & Economic Development, be authorised to make minor amendments and or amendments required consequent to government policy or guidance to Annex 1 to the report.



Consideration was given to a report by the Economic Development Portfolio Holder which explained the need for and background to an Interim Economic Development Strategy for the next two years. 


The report also described the main impacts that the Coronavirus Pandemic is having on Test Valley’s economy and the Council’s Local Economic Recovery Action Plan; and an update of the key aspects of the 2019 Economic Development Strategy action plan. The Interim Strategy will be published in due course.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the Test Valley Interim Economic Development Strategy, as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.

2.  That the Economic Development Officer, in consultation with the Economic and Tourism Development Portfolio Holder and the Head of Planning Policy & Economic Development, be authorised to make minor amendments and or amendments required consequent to government policy or guidance to Annex 1 to the report.



2021/22 Budget Update pdf icon PDF 267 KB


To consider the update on the budget setting process for 2021/22 and proposals to close the budget gap.

Additional documents:


1.  That the savings options, income generation proposals and budget pressures, shown in Annexes 1 – 3 to the report, be noted.

2.  That the forecast budgetary impact of coronavirus, shown in Annex 4 to the report, be noted.

3.  That the budget position for 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Forecast, shown in Annex 5 to the report, be noted.



Consideration was given to a report by the Finance Portfolio Holder which updated Cabinet on changes to the 2021/22 budget forecast since the Medium Term Financial Strategy was presented in December.

This included; the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement, New Homes’ Bonus provisional allocations, the impacts of coronavirus and changes to revenue savings and pressures.

It also provided an updated Medium Term Financial Forecast covering 2021/22 to 2023/24.

In order to achieve a balanced budget, it will be necessary to close the remaining gap of £577,100 before figures are finalised in February 2021.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That the savings options, income generation proposals and budget pressures, shown in Annexes 1 – 3 to the report, be noted.

2.  That the forecast budgetary impact of coronavirus, shown in Annex 4 to the report, be noted.

3.  That the budget position for 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Forecast, shown in Annex 5 to the report, be noted.



Council Tax Support Scheme 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 144 KB


To consider changes to the Council’s Council Tax Support Scheme for 2021/22.

Additional documents:


1.  That the Council Tax Support scheme for 2021/22, as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.

2.  That the Head of Finance and Revenues, in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make any necessary changes to the Scheme that are required by the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Prescribed Requirements) Regulations 2021 when they are confirmed by the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government.

3.  In the event that the temporary uplift to Universal Credit continues, the Head of Finance and Revenues, in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder, be authorised to continue to disregard the increase in income as a national response to the Covid-19 pandemic.



Consideration was given to a report by the Finance Portfolio Holder which explained that given the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic and the financial uncertainty this brings to many families, no significant changes are proposed to Test Valley Borough Council’s Council Tax Support Scheme for the forthcoming year (2021-22).

A review of the scheme is planned to be undertaken in spring/summer of 2021.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:

Recommended to Council:

1.  That the Council Tax Support scheme for 2021/22, as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.

2.  That the Head of Finance and Revenues, in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make any necessary changes to the Scheme that are required by the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Prescribed Requirements) Regulations 2021 when they are confirmed by the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government.

3.  In the event that the temporary uplift to Universal Credit continues, the Head of Finance and Revenues, in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder, be authorised to continue to disregard the increase in income as a national response to the Covid-19 pandemic.



Climate Emergency Member Champion pdf icon PDF 207 KB


To consider a new Climate Emergency Member Champion role.


1.  That the role of Climate Emergency Member Champion be established.

2.  That Councillor N Gwynne be appointed to this role for the remainder of year ending June 2021.



Consideration was given to a report by the Leader which proposes that a new role of Climate Emergency Member Champion is established and that Councillor Gwynne is appointed to that role for the remaining year ending June 2021.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:




1.  That the role of Climate Emergency Member Champion be established.

2.  That Councillor N Gwynne be appointed to this role for the remainder of year ending June 2021.



Community Transport Funding 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 131 KB


To consider the agreement to extend the Community Transport contract for 2021/22.


That the Community Transport contract be extended for one year (2021/22) and that funding of £19,458 is provided.



Consideration was given to a report by the Planning Portfolio Holder which sought agreement to extend the Community Transport contract for 2021/22.

The pandemic has affected the community transport service within the Borough. The pandemic has come during the last of the two year contract period where a decision needs to be made on triggering the extension to the current contract and for how long.

Given the level of uncertainty with forecasting future requirements and to be consistent with the approach the Council has applied to other grant recipients, it is recommended that the contract be extended for one year. This is to be funded from existing budgets.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


That the Community Transport contract be extended for one year (2021/22) and that funding of £19,458 is provided.



Romsey Conservation Area Review pdf icon PDF 154 KB


To consider approving the amendments to the Romsey Conservation Area boundary and approving the Romsey Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.

Additional documents:


1.  That the proposed revised boundaries to the Romsey Conservation Area be approved as shown in Annex 2 (Boundary Amendment Report, November 2020 prepared by Purcell on behalf of the Council) to the report.

2.  That the plan on page 6 of the same report and also included as Annex 4 to the report be approved as the definitive plan.

3.  That the Conservation Area Appraisal and Management
Plan (CAAMP) document (Annex 1 to the report) be approved.



Consideration was given to a report by the Planning Portfolio Holder which sought approval for proposed amendments to the Conservation Area boundaries, and the approval of the revised Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for the Romsey Conservation Area. The final documents have been produced following public consultation on a consultation version. The responses to the consultation have been reviewed, and, where appropriate, amendments were made to both the CAAMP and the boundary.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That the proposed revised boundaries to the Romsey Conservation Area be approved as shown in Annex 2 (Boundary Amendment Report, November 2020 prepared by Purcell on behalf of the Council) to the report.

2.  That the plan on page 6 of the same report and also included as Annex 4 to the report be approved as the definitive plan.

3.  That the Conservation Area Appraisal and Management
Plan (CAAMP) document (Annex 1 to the report) be approved.



Nutrient Neutrality - Off Site Mitigation Financial Contributions Framework pdf icon PDF 256 KB


To consider seeking financial contributions towards off setting mitigation solutions to achieve nutrient neutral development. The financial contributions would then be used by the Council to secure the use of land provide off site mitigation, in order for development to achieve nutrient neutrality.

Additional documents:


1.  That the Council approves a framework for seeking financial contributions to address the adverse effects on the international designated nature conservation sites (SPAs, SACs and Ramsar sites) in and around the Solent from excessive nutrients in the water environment, as set out in the Annex to the report.

2.  That the financial contributions be used to secure the use of land, including through the purchase of land and/or credits, to provide off site mitigation solutions in order to achieve nutrient neutral development.

3.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder be authorised to make changes of a minor nature to improve the presentation of the Annex to the report and to correct typographical errors prior to publication.



Consideration was given to a report of the Planning Portfolio Holder which sought approval for the Council to seek financial contributions to address the adverse effects on the international designated nature conservation sites (SPAs, SACs and Ramsar sites) in and around the Solent, from excessive nutrients in the water environment.  This is in order to provide a mechanism to achieve nutrient neutrality through offsetting the increase in nutrients from wastewater from development. 

The financial contributions would then be used by the Council to secure the use of land, including through the purchase of land and/or credits, to provide off site mitigation, in order for development to achieve nutrient neutrality.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:

Recommended to Council:

1.  That the Council approves a framework for seeking financial contributions to address the adverse effects on the international designated nature conservation sites (SPAs, SACs and Ramsar sites) in and around the Solent from excessive nutrients in the water environment, as set out in the Annex to the report.

2.  That the financial contributions be used to secure the use of land, including through the purchase of land and/or credits, to provide off site mitigation solutions in order to achieve nutrient neutral development.

3.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder be authorised to make changes of a minor nature to improve the presentation of the Annex to the report and to correct typographical errors prior to publication.