Agenda and minutes

Special, General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 22 June 2022 4.30 pm

Venue: The Annexe, Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8GL

Contact: Sally Prior - 01264 368024  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Dowden, Meyer and K North.


Public Participation


There was no public participation.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.


Establishment of an Appointments Sub-Committee pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To establish a General Purposes Appointments Sub-Committee to appoint the Head of Planning and Building.


At its meeting on 12 January 2022, the General Purposes Committee established an Appointments Sub-Committee to appoint the Head of Planning and Building. One of the appointed members is no longer able to attend the scheduled interviews and Sub-Committee meeting and therefore a replacement member was required to be appointed to the Sub-Committee.




1.  That Councillor Phil North be appointed to the Appointments Sub-Committee for the purposes of considering the appointment of the Head of Planning and Building to replace Councillor Adams-King.


2.  That should a Councillor appointed to the Appointments Sub-Committee for the Head of Planning and Building not be able to attend, then the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee, be delegated authority to appoint a substitute Councillor from the membership of the General Purposes Committee.



Establishment of an Appointments Sub-Committee pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To establish a General Purposes Appointments Sub-Committee to appoint a Deputy Chief Executive.


Deputy Chief Executive, Carol Moore, had given notice of her resignation after twenty five years’ service to the Council.  Recruitment of a new Deputy Chief Executive therefore is necessary.


The Council’s Constitution specifies that a General Purposes Appointments Sub-Committee is to be convened to deal with the appointment of a Chief Officer.




1.  That five members of the General Purposes Committee be appointed to an Appointments Sub-Committee to consider the appointment of a Deputy Chief Executive.


2.  That Councillors Adams-King, Burnage, A Dowden, Hamilton, and P North be appointed to the Appointments Sub-Committee for the purposes of considering the appointment of a Deputy Chief Executive.


3.  That should a Councillor appointed to the Appointments Sub-Committee for the Deputy Chief Executive not be able to attend, then the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee, be delegated authority to appoint a substitute Councillor from the membership of the General Purposes Committee.