Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 2 November 2022 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 1, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AJ

Contact: Caroline Lovelock - 01264 368000  Email:

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors Coole, Gwynne, Hatley and Swain.


Public Participation


There was no public participation.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.


Minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2022


Councillor Parker requested an update on the website procurement exercise and the Head of Strategy and Innovation would be very happy to provide an update.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2022 be confirmed and signed as a true record.


Call in Items


There were no call in items.


Urgent decisions taken since last meeting


There were no urgent decisions.


Work of the Test Valley Community Safety Group pdf icon PDF 189 KB

A report on the work of the Test Valley Community Safety Group over the past twelve months and the priorities for the year ahead (30 minutes)

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Community Engagement Manager (on behalf of the Test Valley Partnership) which reported on the work of the Test Valley Community Safety Group over the past twelve months and identified the priorities for the year ahead.


The Community Engagement Manager gave an update on some of the projects that have taken place over the last year or so and future initiatives and updated the Committee on the Governments recently announced plans for new statutory duties for local authorities and community safety partnership under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. These include the duty to develop a Serious Violence Assessment, and process and to undertake independent Offensive Weapon Homicide Reviews (OWHR’s).


Members discussed;


·  How the partnership was addressing young people coming into Andover and Romsey from outside the area in regards to incidences of Anti-Social Behaviour.

·  Cycling and electric scooters in the pedestrian area of the Town Centre.

·  Understanding the behaviour behind anti-social behaviour and how the partnership is trying to address this.

·  Cut it Out programme a new initiative to help domestic abuse.

·  Reviewing various youth engagement projects held over the summer  and the potential to undertake cost benefit studies on youth programmes so that their benefit and impact can be understood against the investment made.


·  How to address the increase in physiological abuse against men.

·  Cost of attending clubs an issue for some people against the back drop of cost of living challenges.


The Community Engagement Manager will ask the Police for a breakdown of the figures for homicide, violence with injury, violence without injury, rape and other sexual offences and a breakdown of reported incidents on burglaries. 




1.  That the report be acknowledged and partnership approach be endorsed.


2.  That Officers bring a report back to Overview and Scrutiny in autumn 2023 to give an annual update on the work of the Community Safety Management Group.



Update on Climate Emergency Action Plan (2020) - Review of Progress pdf icon PDF 51 KB

An update on the delivery of the Climate Emergency Action Plan (30 minutes)


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development which gave focused on the changes since the last report to Committee on the Climate Emergency Action Plan.


The Principal Planning Officer (Environment) advised the Committee that there has been a round of Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding which focuses on decarbonising heat options.  The Scheme is on its 3rd round and each round has changed with implications on what can be bid for.  Previous rounds have reached capacity and closed in one day so bids need to be prepared for when the application portal opened.  A bid has been submitted for Bourne House around insulation, LED lighting, solar panels and changing the gas boilers to an air heat source pump.  There will be a report to Council in November to seek approval for the match funding.  The overall cost will be around £440,000 with the grant funding of £220,000 match funded by the Council.  It is anticipated that this will save around 31 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year from the air source heat pump plus additional savings from the LED lighting and solar panels.


The Principal Planning Officer (Environment) also advised that an additional electric vehicle has been added taking the fleet up to 12 vehicles and officers are continuing to look at options to decarbonise the fleet.


Members discussed:


·  Number of buildings owned that have an EPC rating of E or lower.

·  Looking at utilising buildings in conjunction with New Ways of Working and regeneration.

·  Biofuels.

·  Advertising of the Landlords Forum.

·  Influencing residents and working with the Test Valley Association of Town and Parish Councils at their Annual Conference.

·  Policies are intended to be included in the emerging Local Plan on matters such as energy performance, and sustainable and active travel.

·  Making the right choice with evolutionary technology.

·  Asset management in the context of life of vehicles.

·  Working through evidence from consultants which will inform what the next steps are and target timescale


Councillor Johnston, Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder was invited to speak and she explained that in order to provide focused delivery of targets and timescales the Council will need to ensure that the calculations and algorithms are correct and to make sure the technology is available. Councillor Johnston also commended the team on the work they are doing behind the scenes and reminded Councillors that they need to show leadership and promote behavioural changes in their communities.




That the progress update on the Climate Emergency Action Plan be considered.



Report of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 (S106) Panel pdf icon PDF 259 KB

To consider the findings of the community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 (S106) Panel to review how S106 and CIL funds have been utilised between 2016 and 2022 (30 minutes)

Additional documents:





Consideration was given to a report of the Lead Member of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 (S106) Panel which brought together the findings of the panel to review how S106 and CIL funds have been utilised between 2016 and 2022.


The panel felt that;

  • robust systems are currently in place to ensure that funding is secured, allocated and spent.
  • additional information in the form of a briefing note would help to ensure that all members have a full understanding of the processes involved in securing CIL and S106 and
  • that training should be provided to all members following next year’s elections. This would ensure that members better understand how to access funding within their area and help deliver infrastructure for their communities.

It was suggested that a briefing note with a summary of the information provided to the panel would be beneficial to all members. Officers have agreed to circulate this document on the 3 November.


Training for all Members would help ensure that they have a full understanding of the funding available and how they can assist in the delivery of the infrastructure that their communities require. Next year’s induction programme following the borough elections will provide a good opportunity for training and will ensure all members are fully informed on the funding available within their ward and the mechanisms involved in securing that funding.


The best way for Members to have a say in the future infrastructure delivered in their area is through the Local Plan and Members are encouraged to engage in the plan making process.





That Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorse the findings of the panel and supports the following recommendations;


1.  That a briefing note be circulated to all members that explains how CIL and S106 funds are received and how they are allocated to projects.

2.  That training sessions are arranged for all members on CIL and S106 following the 2023 elections.



Updates on Panels

Lead Members to update the Committee on the progress of their Panels (10 mins)


Budget Panel – Nothing to report


Enforcement Panel – Councillor Burley, Lead Member informed the committee that the Head of Strategy and Innovation will arrange a meeting with the new Head of Planning and Building in a few weeks.  A workshop has been held with the Test Valley Association of Town and Parish Councils at their Annual Conference which proved very informative.


Communications Panel – Councillor Brooks, Lead Member for the panel that had met with the Head of Strategy and Innovation and the Communications Panel.  Councillor Brooks had produced some comments for the panel meeting as she was not able to attend and Councillor Baverstock had chaired the meeting.  The main focus of the meeting was to go through the points raised by Councillor Brooks.  The Communications Manager was asked to send round some information documents.  A focus group has been organised for the 17 November 2022.  The Head of Strategy and Innovation will meet with the panel to update them on the website.




Programme of Work for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To enable Members to keep the Committee’s future work programme under review (20 minutes)

Additional documents:


The committee reviewed the work programme and the Chairman explained that the item dealing with the legislation and constitution in regards to planning call-ins would now be a presentation and the item on Business Parks and Industrial Estates would be a round table discussion.


The item on the Green Economy to be held in January will a report on the strategic approach with regards to encouraging and attracting new green industries to Test Valley.


The Head of Strategy and Innovation will circulate his responses to the actions in relation to the IT item raised at the September meeting.


The Committee discussed and agreed to move the Communications Panel report to the January meeting.




1.  Review the outcomes on the work programme and recommendations update.

2.  Approve the future work programme.