Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 10 April 2024 5.30 pm

Venue: The Annexe, Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8GL

Contact: Caroline Lovelock - 01264 368000  Email:

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors K Brooks, Gregori and Leech.


Public Participation


There was no public participation.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2024.


Councillor Jeffrey proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March were a correct record.  Councillor Neal seconded the motion.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Update on the progress of the Corporate Action Plan Year One pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Presentation by the Leader on the progress of the Corporate Action Plan Year One  (45 minutes)

Additional documents:


The Leader, supported by the Chief Executive and the Senior Policy Officer, gave a presentation to provide the Committee with an update on the progress made during year one of the Corporate Action Plan. 

The Corporate Action Plan (CAP) is the delivery document of the Council’s Corporate Plan. The CAP shows in detail how the Council intends to make progress by focusing on the projects it will take forward against each of the priorities of the Corporate Plan. As a result, it informs decision making and allocation of resources across the Council.

The presentation covered:


·  Delivery of Andover Masterplan regeneration schemes.

·  Delivery of the South of Romsey Town Centre Masterplan

·  Delivery of the Climate Emergency Action Plan

·  Implementation of the new 1,2,3 weekly waste service from 2024

·  Supporting Andover Communities to thrive

·  Supporting Romsey communities to thrive

·  Supporting rural communities to thrive, working with partners through community planning exercises

·  Enabling access to housing

·  Develop a new Economic Development Strategy

·  Review of the Local Plan

·  Working with partners of the Test Valley Partnership to deliver better outcomes for our communities.


Members asked questions and discussed:


·  Timing of Western Avenue and Cultural Hub projects and funding.

·  Work being undertaken in the Chantry Centre.

·  Communications Strategy for regeneration projects.

·  Progress updates on the Climate Emergency Action Group and Climate Emergency Action Plan – targets, actions, cost benefits, and timescales.

·  Successes in carbon reduction at Test Valley Borough Council.

·  Green waste, composting and subscription.

·  Weekly food waste.

·  Government’s approach to a simpler recycling scheme.

·  Communications strategy for changes to waste collections.

·  The Leader to keep the Committee informed of funding and cost savings as a result of any changes to the waste collection service proposals.

·  PCN/Health Hub – PCN invited to inform the Committee of their work and a possible ambition to create something similar in Romsey.

·  Preventing homelessness.

·  The Local Plan.

·  Neighbourhood Plans.

·  Housing needs in rural areas.

The Leader reported that the Portfolio Holder for Climate Emergency and Countryside  Councillor Johnston, would be happy to update the Committee.


Councillor Jeffrey proposed the recommendation as set out in the agenda and Councillor Neal seconded the recommendation.




That the progress made to date, in the delivery of the programmes that form the Corporate Action Plan during year one, be endorsed.



Call in Items


There were no call-in items.


Urgent decisions taken since last meeting


There were no urgent decisions.


Establishment of a Place-based Working Reference Group pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To consider the establishment of a Place-based Working Reference Group (10 minutes)


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Strategy and Innovation which set out a proposal for the further engagement of members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in supporting the Council’s work to support its communities to thrive.

The proposed community councillor reference group will provide direction and support to the Member and Community Development Group by providing insight from their experiences working as community leaders and facilitators, reflecting on areas of focus for the Council in continuing to develop its approach and support for councillors in their community councillor role and the way in which communities are engaged with. 

To ensure the Committee is kept up to date with the progress of the work of the community councillor reference group, it is recommended that an opportunity to update is provided by the relevant councillors as part of the Panels updates section which is a standing item on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda. 

Through this work the group will be able to provide feedback and draw upon their experiences of how this works in practice, highlighting areas where the council could further refine and develop its member support and development offer. 

Councillor P North explained the role and make up of the Member Community Development Group (MCDG) and explained that he would like to involve a wider membership.  Some members suggested that the MCDG be expanded to include more members however it was agreed to set up a Working Reference Group and suggested that this be set up for 12 months to see if it is of value.  The Leader also noted that outcomes of the MCDG should be better communicated through the Members’ Information Bulletin.  

It was suggested that it would be helpful if the membership of the review group included some of the newer Councillors and be opened up to the whole Council however the majority of the membership should be from Overview and Scrutiny Committee and include a cross party representation.


Councillor Jeffrey proposed the recommendation as amended and this was seconded by Councillor Neal.




1.  That a Community Councillor Reference Group comprising Members of the Council be established.


2.  That Councillors Cattell, Gillies, Hughes, Matthews, Parker and Yalden be appointed to the Community Councillor Reference Group.



Updates on Panels

Lead Members to update the Committee on the progress of their Panels (10 minutes)


Budget Panel – Councillor Neal reported that the next Budget Panel meeting will be held in July.


Regeneration Panel – Councillor Gwynne explained that the last meeting was held on 25 March and outlined the creation of the masterplan, the concept work that has been undertaken, the next steps for the Andover regeneration, the financial position and the sources of funding to support the delivery of Western Avenue/ Riverside Park and the new Theatre. The panel would also like to consider the review of the Andover Masterplan after these first two deliverables, and recommend what that review should look at. Also to consider the extent to which Romsey Future and Andover Vision should align (or not). Councillor Gwynne reported that he is currently looking for a date for the next meeting. 


Council Tax Support Panel – Councillor Macdonald reported that the Panel had met 3 times and are due to update the Committee on 5 June.




Programme of Work for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To enable Members to keep the Committee’s future work programme under review (10 minutes)

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised that he would like to move the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults report to July as the June meeting is very busy.


Members requested/updated:


·  There is an Enforcement Panel on 22 April 2024 at 5.30pm in the Guildhall.

·  Feedback to the Committee from Climate Emergency Working Group

·  Date options for Away Day to be circulated as early as possible

·  Water Pollution round table on 30 April at 5pm in Romsey and suggestion of inviting external stakeholders.  The Deputy Chief Executive will check with the Head of Strategy and Innovation.

Members had a discussion the around the form and function of round tables and suggested a number of ideas which will form part of the Committee’s Away Day.




That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme – April 2024, as shown in Annex 2 to the report and amended, be approved.