Agenda item



SITE: The Old Mansion Site, Stoneham Lane, South Eastleigh, SO50 9HS CHILWORTH

CASE OFFICER: Miss Sarah Barter














Highwood Homes



The Old Mansion Site, Stoneham Lane, South Eastleigh, SO50 9HS,  CHILWORTH



Erection of 63 dwellings, including provision of 12no. Affordable apartments and garages/car ports, bin stores, and other ancillary buildings, with associated landscaping and open space, following demolition of existing dwelling and other structures.



Received 18th November 2020

Nitrogen Strategy

Revised Boundary Treatment Plan DD241L04 H

Tree pit details DD241D01 A

Management plan

POS plan

DD241L01 C

Landscape, Woodland & Ecological Management Plan version c

Received 12th October 2020

Amended proposal wording

Flood Risk Issue F

Landscape, Woodland & Ecological Management Plan version B

Arboricultural Method Statement October 2020

Accommodation Schedule

Site plan roof – 19.034.100 O

Block plan ground – 19.034.101 V


OUTBUILDINGS – 19.034.279 D

Landscape Strategy Plan DD241L01 C

Tree Mitigation Plan  DD241L02 B

Management Company Plan  DD241L03 D

Boundary Treatment Plan DD241L04 F

Tree Planting Volume Plan DD241L05 A

Refuse Vehicle Tracking 14-159-1201 H

Fire vehicle Tracking - 14-159-1202 H

Proposed Indicative Services Routes 14-159-1204 G

Proposed Levels 14-159-1208 E

Visibility Splays 14-159-1210 E

Surface Water Drainage Layout Plan 14-159-1214 G

Foul Water Drainage Layout Plan 14-159-1215 D

Construction Make Up 14-159-1216 C

Private Vehicle Tracking 14-159-1225 F

Viability Assessment – 12th October

Received 17th April 2020

14-159-1201 F – Refuse vehicle

14-159-1202 F – Fire Vehicle

14-159-1204 E – Service Routes

14-159-1207 B – Highway Construction

14-159-1208 C – Levels

14-159-1210 C – Vis splay

14-159-1214 – E – Surface Water

14-159-1215 B – Foul Water

14-159-1216 A – Construction make up

19.034.100 L – Site layout roof

19.034.101 S – Block plan ground

19.034.200 D – Woodland view block

19.034.210 D - Courtyard block

19.034.220 F – Mansion block

19.034.230 D – The Square block

19.034.240 D – Lakeside block

19.034.275 F – Flat block 1

19.034.276 H – Flat block 1 elevation

19.034.280 C - Garaging

19.034.300 F – Indicative views

19.034.301 F – Indicative views

19.034.302 F – Indicative views

19.034.303 F – Indicative views

19.034.304 D – Indicative views

DD241L01 B – Landscape Strategy Plan

DD241L02 A Tree Mitigation plan

DD241L03 C – Management company

DD241L04 D – Boundary treatment

Arb Method Statement April 2020

Design and Access Statement April 2020

Flood Risk Assessment version D

Landscape ecological woodland management rev A 08/04/2020

14-159-1225 C - Private vehicle tracking

14-159-1226 A – Surface Water Option 2

19.034.305 B – Flats rendered elevation

19.34.SK22 C Long section

DD241D01 – Tree Pit

DD241L05 – Tree Planting volume plan

Reponses to Tree officer comments

Bat roost tree assessment Feb 2018 version 2 April 2020

Ecological Appraisal Feb 2018

Nutrient balancing assessment March 2020

WSI for archaeology April 2020

Response to Ecology Officer from WYG



Sarah Barter




Delegated to the Head of Planning and Building to:

i.  Completion of Legal agreement to secure:

·  The delivery and future management of on-site Affordable Housing

·  Secure off-site Nitrogen Neutrality mitigation

·  Financial contributions towards both the New Forest SPA and the Solent SPA to mitigate the impact of development

·  Provision of, and subsequent management arrangements for, on-site Public Open Space

·  Maintenance and management arrangements for the Woodland Buffer to Stoneham Golf Club

(ii)  The receipt of a satisfactory consultation reply from Natural England in respect of additional evidence for Nitrate Neutrality

(iii)  The receipt of a suitable reptile and dormouse survey and mitigation where appropriate. 

Then PERMISSION subject to:




The development hereby permitted shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission.

Reason:  To comply with the provision of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.




The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers

19.034278 C

19.034.101 V


14-159-1216 C

14-159-1202 H

19.034.240 G

DD241L01 D


19.034.279 D

14-159-1225 F

14-159-1215 D

14-159-1204 G

14-159-1208 E

14-159-1214 G

14-159-1201 H

19.034.100 O

DD241L02 C


14-159-1210 E

19/34/SK22 C

19/034/305 B

14-0159-1226 A





14-159-1207 B











19.034.002 A

19.034.277 G




19.034.270 E

19.034.271 D

19.034.272 D

19.034.273 C



19.034.211 C


Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.




No development shall take place above DPC level of the development hereby permitted until samples and details of the materials to be used in the construction of all external surfaces hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include a sample wall panel which shall be constructed on site for all brick work proposed, be not less than 1 metre square and be constructed on site, inspected and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The panel shall then be left in position for comparison whilst the development is carried out. Works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved sample panel. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure the development has a satisfactory external appearance in the interest of visual amenities in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1.




Before the development hereby permitted is commenced details, including plans and cross sections, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority of the existing and proposed ground levels of the development and the boundaries of the site and the height of the ground floor slab and damp proof course in relation thereto. Development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure satisfactory relationship between the new development and the adjacent buildings, amenity areas and trees in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) policy E1 and E9.







No development shall take place above DPC level of the development hereby permitted until full details of hard and soft landscape works have been submitted and approved. Details shall include-where appropriate: ecological enhancements; proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; car parking layouts; other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas; hard surfacing materials; minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting, etc.); proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (e.g. drainage, power, communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports.); retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant.

Soft landscape works shall include: planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment such as tree pits); schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities.

The landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the implementation programme and in accordance with the management plan.

Reason:  To improve the appearance of the site and enhance the character of the development in the interest of visual amenity and contribute to the character of the local area in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1 and E2.



No development shall take place above DPC level of the development hereby permitted until a schedule of landscape management and maintenance for a minimum period of 5 years has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The landscape management plan, including long term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscape areas and an implementation programme, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved management plan shall be carried out in accordance with the implementation programme.

Reason:  To ensure the provision of amenity afforded by proper maintenance of existing and new landscape features as an improvement of the appearance of the site and to enhance the character of the development in the interest of visual amenity and contribute to the character of the local area in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1 and E2.



The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in full accordance with the provisions set out within the James Fuller Arboriculture Report and Method Statement reference October 2020 JFA10259LSA V3specific attention is drawn to Part 2 at page 7 onwards of that document.


Reason:  To ensure the enhancement of the development by the retention of existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan policy E2. TBC with Tree officer.



Tree protective measures installed (in accordance with the tree protection condition) shall be maintained and retained for the full duration of works or until such time as agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. No activities, nor material storage, nor placement of site huts or other equipment what-so-ever shall take place within the barrier.

Reason:  To ensure the avoidance of damage to existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan policy E2.



All service routes, drain runs, soakaways or excavations in connection with the development hereby permitted shall remain wholly outside the tree protective barrier.

Reason:  To ensure the avoidance of damage to existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan policy E2.



No development shall take place (including site clearance and any other preparatory works) until a site meeting has taken place to involve the Site Manager; the Project Arboriculturist and the Local Planning Authority Arboricultural Officer. Following this meeting tree protection barriers and other measures shall be erected and installed in accordance with the James Fuller Tree Protection Plan JFA102590MS.04ATTP Oct 2020 V3 prior to any other site operations and at least three working days notice shall be given to the Local Planning Authority that it has been erected.

Reason:  To ensure the enhancement of the development by the retention of existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with policy E2 Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan.



No construction above DPC of any dwelling hereby approved shall commence until an Employment and Skills Plan has first been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Plan shall be based on the CITB Client Based Approach (or such other standard as may supersede it) and shall include the requirements of the CITB schedule for residential development that applies to the value of the development at the time the Plan is submitted. Development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure that the development contributes to construction skills training having regard to policy ST1 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



Development shall be carried out in accordance with the archaeological provisions set out in that document (edp 1574-r008a dated April 2020).

Reason:  To ensure the protection of heritage assets in accordance with policy E9 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.




The roads and footways as shown on the approved plans shall be laid out and made up in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted.

Reason:  To provide appropriate pedestrian and vehicular access in accordance with policy T1 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



The development shall not be occupied until the areas shown on the approved plan for the parking and turning of vehicles shall have been made available, surfaced and marked out, with markings to be agreed beforehand by the Local Planning Authority. The parking and turning areas shall then be permanently retained and reserved for that purpose at all time.

Reason:  To make provision for off-street parking for the purpose of highway safety in accordance with policy T2 of the Revised Borough Local Plan 2016.



Before development commences, a Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include the following details:

i.  the timing and phasing of the works and lorry routing

ii.  the incidental recovery of minerals for construction works;

iii.  the location of temporary site buildings and plant and material storage areas,

iv.  the arrangement for construction deliveries and access

v.  dust impacts and controls

vi.  temporary construction car parking both on and off-site,

vii.  temporary lighting ,

viii.  mud on the road mitigation,

ix.  a scheme for controlling noise and vibration from demolition and construction activities (to include piling);

x.  the protection of pedestrian routes during construction,

xi.  storage of and collection of waste

xii.  controls for the volume and the quality of surface water runoff,

xiii.  watercourse crossings and any proposed diversions (temporary or permanent),

xiv.  a map or plan showing habitat areas to be specifically protected (identified in the ecological reports) during the works and any necessary mitigation for protected species to include:

a.  The timing of the works

b.  Watercourse crossings and any proposed diversions (temporary or permanent)

c.  The measures to be used during construction in order to minimise environmental impact of the works on habitats (considering both disturbance and pollution prevention)

xv.  information on the persons/bodies responsible for particular activities associated with the construction phase




xvi.  method for ensuring that minerals that can be viably recovered during the development operations are recovered and put to beneficial use and a method to record the quantity of recovered mineral (re-use on site or off site) and to report this data to the MPA.

All works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CEMP.

Reason:  In the interests of amenity, highway safety and protection of ecological features in accordance with policy LHW4, T1 and E5 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



No development shall begin until a detailed surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on the principles within the Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy ref: 14-159, has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include:

a.  A technical summary, which include detailed drawings and calculations, highlighting any changes to the design from that within the approved Flood Risk Assessment (Option 1 or 2).

b.  Groundwater monitoring between autumn and spring which demonstrate that there will be at least 1m unsaturated zone between the base of any infiltration features and the highest groundwater level recorded. This should include confirmation on how impacts of high groundwater will be managed in the design of the proposed drainage system to ensure that storage capacity is not lost, and structural integrity is maintained.

c.  Exceedance plans demonstrating the flow paths and areas of ponding in the event of blockages or storms exceeding design criteria.

Development shall proceed only in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure the development provides the satisfactory provision of foul and surface water drainage in accordance with policy E7 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



Details for the long-term maintenance arrangements for the surface water drainage system shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings. The submitted details shall include;

a.  Maintenance schedules for each drainage feature type and ownership

b.  Details of protection measures.

The surface water drainage system shall be maintained and operated in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure the development provides the satisfactory provision of foul and surface water drainage in accordance with policy E7 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.




The Mansion building shall not be occupied until information and plans have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority detailing the provision of external lighting on the terrace and southern elevation of the mansion building. Information shall include hours of operation, light specification including spread and locations. Any external lighting shall be provided only in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  In the interests of visual amenity, safety and to protect biodiversity in accordance with policies E1, E5 and LHW4 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



No development shall take place (other than any approved demolition and site clearance works) until an assessment of the nature and extent of any contamination and a scheme for remediating the contamination has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment shall only be undertaken by a competent person, and shall assess the presence of any contamination on the site, whether or not it originates on the site. The assessment shall comprise at least a desk study and qualitative risk assessment and, where appropriate, the assessment shall be extended following further site investigation work. In the event that contamination is found, or is considered likely, the scheme shall contain remediation proposals designed to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use.

Such remediation proposals shall include clear remediation objectives and criteria, an appraisal of the remediation options, and the arrangements for the supervision of remediation works by a competent person. The site shall not be brought in to use until a verification report, for the purpose of certifying adherence to the approved remediation scheme, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  To minimise the risks of pollution and to ensure the site is satisfactorily de-contaminated in accordance with policy E8 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



Construction and demolition work shall only take place between 0730 hours to 1800 hours Mondays to Fridays and 0800 hours to 1300 hours on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Reason:  To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby dwellings in accordance with policy LHW4 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



The development shall not be occupied until the boundary treatments detailed in drawing no DD241L04M (comprising all boundary treatments across the site including golf ball stop fencing) has been provided. The boundary treatment shall be retained and maintained at all times. 

Reason:  To ensure security and safety for residents of the proposed development and users of the adjacent angling lakes and golf club in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016 Policy LHW4.





Full details of all new windows including dormers, doors and porches shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of work. This shall include drawings at a scale of 1:10 with appropriate annotation. The windows and doors shall be installed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To protect the character and appearance of the proposed buildings in this location of historic interest in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E9.



The development shall not be occupied until the 'Woodland Buffer to Stoneham Golf Club' is completed (ie. fences, gates and signage erected) as detailed in drawing no DD241L04 M and the Landscape, Woodland & Ecological Management Plan Rev E has been provided. The 'woodland Buffer to Stoneham Golf club' detail shall be retained and maintained at all times.

Reason:  To ensure security and safety for residents of the proposed development and users of the golf club in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016, policy LHW4.



No development shall take place unless or until the access road permitted under Eastleigh BC application ref:  R17/ 79892 has been provided to at least base course.

Reason:  To ensure the development is does not have an impact on the function, safety, or character of and accessibility to the local or strategic highway network or rights of way network in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) policy T1.



No development to construct the terrace at the Mansion apartment building shall be begun until details of how the terrace area and associated retaining wall are to be constructed including how the existing historic elements of the site will be used. Details shall include drawings at a scale of 1:50 showing sections and elevations of the proposed terrace area and its relationship with the Angling lake and surrounding land to the south. The terrace and associated works shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To sustain the significance of the historic use of the site and to ensure security and safety for residents of the proposed development and users of the adjacent angling lakes in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E9 and LHW4.



The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in full accordance with the provisions set out within the WYG Lighting Assessment dated December 2020.

Reason:  In the interest of visual amenity, safety and to protect biodiversity in accordance with policies E1, E5 and LHW4 of the Revised Borough Local Plan 2016.







Prior to commencement of development a badger survey shall be undertaken to ensure that the boundary fencing will not present a significant barrier to badger movement. Should any clear mammal paths be identified during that survey, then suitable two-way badger gates shall be installed in intersecting fences where 2m high fencing is provided to deter fly tipping.

Reason:  In the interests of the protection of protected species in accordance with policy E5 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.



Notwithstanding the content of the James Fuller Arboricultural Method Statement and report an appropriately annotated plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local planning Authority showing the routing of the pipe located to the west of lakeside View to ensure no conflict with tree protection and new planting. The pipe routing shall be carried out in accordance with the approved detail.

Reason:  To ensure the avoidance of damage to existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan policy E2.



Prior to occupation of development the access road permitted under Eastleigh BC application ref:  R17/ 79892 shall be completed to its final course layer.

Reason:  To ensure the development is does not have an impact on the function, safety, or character of and accessibility to the local or strategic highway network or rights of way network in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) policy T1.



The development shall not be permitted to be occupied until such time as the location and design of bird nest boxes (including Kestral nest box) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The nest boxes shall be installed prior to first occupation of the dwellings in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  In the interests of the protection of protected species in accordance with policy E5 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.


Notes to applicant:



In reaching this decision Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) has had regard to the National Planning Policy Framework and takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. TVBC work with applicants and their agents in a positive and proactive manner offering a pre-application advice service and updating applicants/agents of issues that may arise in dealing with the application and where possible suggesting solutions.





The development hereby permitted shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the submitted plans, specifications and written particulars for which permission is hereby granted or which are subsequently submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority and in compliance with any conditions imposed by the Local Planning Authority.



The various trees standing within and adjacent to this site are protected by virtue of Tree Preservation Order TPO.55.TVS.12. Damage to the trees is an offence under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Failure to comply with the tree protection conditions above is likely to result in damage to the trees. Tree damage may lead to the prosecution of those undertaking the work and those causing or permitting the work.



Attention is drawn to the regular bell-ringing activities at St Nicolas Church, Stoneham Lane and the potential noise implications.



Attention drawn to legal agreement dated [date to be inserted upon completion]



The applicant's attention is drawn to the requirement within the British Standard 'Code of practice for safe use of cranes' for crane operators to consult the aerodrome before erecting a crane in close proximity to an aerodrome. This is explained further in Advice Note 4, 'Cranes and Other Construction Issues', available at




Supporting documents: