Agenda item



SITE: Anfield, 34 Hadrian Way, Chilworth, SO16 7HX,  CHILWORTH

CASE OFFICER: Ms Katie Andrew
















Mrs P Kaw




Anfield, 34 Hadrian Way, Chilworth, SO16 7HX,  CHILWORTH




Retrospective application for an extension to the terrace, providing new basement/garden room underneath and entrance gates




  • Amended site plan received 16/03/2021
  • Ecology Addendum received 22/02/2021




Katie Andrew






PERMISSION subject to:



The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers 0213-02-105 A, 0213-02-101, 0213-02-102, 0213-02-103, 0213-02-104, 0213-02-106, 0213-02-107, 0213-02-108, 0213-02-109, 0213-02-105C

Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.



Prior to first use of the development hereby permitted, additional ecological information shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The information shall include a method statement for the removal of non-native species, the planting of native species within the proposed site plan, and a management plan for setting out the delivery timescale of new landscaping and for maintenance thereof for a minimum period of five years. Any landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved schedule.  Any trees or planting that are removed, die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective within this period, shall be replaced before the end of the current or first available planting season following the failure, removal or damage of the planting.

Reason:  To ensure the favourable conservation status of the SINC in accordance with Policies E2 and E5 of the Test Valley Revised Local Plan 2016.



Arboricultural reports including tree core analysis shall be submitted on an annual basis to the LPA, beginning from one year from the date of this planning permission. The reports shall be submitted each year for a period of five years. Each year the report shall assess the health, vigour and likelihood of the tree remaining for the following 12 months of the large Scots pine within the garden of 34 Hadrian Way, the pines that are located within the SINC within 10 metres of the rear boundary of the site, and the Yew tree in the neighbour’s property (ref. 02855).A final report shall be submitted and approved in writing by the LPA at the end of the five year period.

Reason:  To ensure the favourable conservation status of the SINC, and to ensure any indirect loss of trees arising from the proposal are mitigated for to protect the character and appearance of the RASC designation,  in accordance with Policies E2 and E5 of the Test Valley Revised Local Plan 2016.



Any trees or planting that are removed, die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective within five years from the date of the decision notice, shall be replaced before the end of the current or first available planting season following the failure, removal or damage of the planting. The replacement trees shall be agreed with the Forestry Commission.

Reason:  To ensure the favourable conservation status of the SINC in accordance with Policies E2 and E5 of the Test Valley Revised Local Plan 2016.



The opaque glass privacy screen as shown on plan number 0213-02-107 of the development hereby permitted shall be installed and fitted with obscured glazing prior to the first use of the extension, and thereafter retained as such, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  To protect the amenity and privacy of the adjoining occupiers in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy LHW4


Note to applicant:




In reaching this decision Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) has had regard to the National Planning Policy Framework and takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. TVBC work with applicants and their agents in a positive and proactive manner offering a pre-application advice service and updating applicants/agents of issues that may arise in dealing with the application and where possible suggesting solutions.



Supporting documents: