SITE: The Abbey Hotel, 11 Church Street, Romsey, SO51 8BT, ROMSEY TOWN
CASE OFFICER: Paul Goodman
REFUSED for the following reason to: |
1. |
By virtue of the scale, bulk and design of the proposal, in addition to the loss of the mature sycamore tree, the development would be detrimental to the special architectural and historic importance of the King Johns House heritage asset and its setting. The development would result in less than substantial harm to the significance of this designated heritage asset and the conservation area in which it sits. The public benefits arising from the development would not outweigh this harm. The loss of the important sycamore tree would result in significant harm to the public domain, particularly when viewed from public vantage points, including public footpaths around the site, but in particular the public right of way footpath behind the White Horse Hotel. As such, the proposal is considered to be contrary to Policies E2(a), E9 and COM2 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016), in addition to paragraph 202 & 131 of the National Planning Policy Framework. |
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