development shall take place until a tree protection plan has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. Specifically the plan shall:
Provide a specification for such tree protective fencing, either
in accordance with the above standard or as otherwise agreed in
writing with the Local Planning Authority.
Confirm timing of erection and dismantling of such tree
protective fencing, which must in any case be erected prior to
commencement of any site clearance or ground works, and be retained
and maintained for the full duration of works until onset of final
landscape work or as otherwise agreed in writing with the Local
Planning Authority.
Provide a plan at 1:200 or better, detailing the location of
such tree protective fencing, including annotation that such
fencing shall remain in this position for the full duration of
works or unless by prior written agreement with the Local Planning
Require a sign to be hung on such tree protective fencing,
repeated as necessary, which clearly states 'Tree Root Protection
Area, do not enter, do not move this fence, or such other similar
wording as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning
Demonstrate that all site works, mixing areas, storage
compounds, site buildings and associated contractor parking areas
remain wholly outside any tree protection zones and at a suitable
separation to prevent damage to retained trees.
Reason: To prevent the loss during development of trees and
natural features and to ensure, so far as is practical, that
development progresses in accordance with current Arboriculture
best practice, in accordance with Policy E2 of the Test Valley
Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.