Rural Sustainability
A presentation by the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder on Rural Sustainability (30 minutes).
Councillor Johnston, Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder presented details of the work being undertaken by the Council in relation to rural sustainability.
Around 38,000 people live in rural areas in Test Valley which represents 28% of the borough’s population. During the Council’s recent consultation on developing its priorities for the next four years, extensive consultation was undertaken with communities including those living in rural communities across the borough. Feedback from those living in rural areas highlighted the importance of highways and public transport, as well as broader connectivity to rural communities.
Councillor Johnston presented details of the demographics of rural areas as well as information on the rural economy, housing needs and support available to communities in rural areas from the Council. It was noted that rural communities now features as a place in the new Corporate Plan and that the Council championed community-led placed based working through a range of support including its work with partners, its community councillor model, community engagement officers, neighbourhood planning, a range of grant funding options and dedicated projects such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural Prosperity Fund.
Members asked a number of questions and commented on a range of aspects in particular on the difficulty in securing affordable housing in rural areas. The Committee was advised that there were a variety of avenues to support affordable housing including developing neighbourhood plans for communities to identify and evidence need which could then be taken into account when considering local development proposals. Much of the Council’s approach was determined by government guidance and policy and the thresholds developments needed to meet in order for the Council to work with developers to ensure appropriate affordable housing was included within schemes.
The Chairman thanked the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder for her presentation.