Agenda and minutes

Annual Council, Council - Wednesday 22 May 2024 11.00 am

Venue: Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GL

Contact: Emma Silverton - 01264 368000  Email:

No. Item




Prayers were led by Reverend Wharton.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C Dowden, D Drew, K Dunleavey, A Ford, A Gillies and R Hughes.


Election of a Mayor for the ensuing year

On appointment the Mayor will make in statutory form the declaration of acceptance of office.  The Mayor will leave the chamber for robing and will return to receive his/her insignia of Office.


Councillor Johnston proposed:


“That Councillor Ian Jeffrey be elected as Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year and until the appointment of his successor”.


Councillor Bailey seconded the motion.


There were no other nominations and upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


Councillor Jeffrey then made in statutory form the declaration of acceptance of office of Mayor.


The new Mayor and new Mayoress Mrs Jeffrey, together with Councillor Philip Lashbrook and his Mayoress Councillor Linda Lashbrook, retired to enable the new Mayor to be robed. Upon returning to the chamber, the Mayor and Mayoress were invested with their insignia of office.


The Worshipful the Mayor announced the appointment of Reverend Wharton and Reverend Sharland as his chaplains and returned thanks for his election.


Councillor Jeffrey took the chair for the remainder of the meeting.


Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress

To offer a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress.


Councillor Borg-Neal moved:


“That the thanks of the Council be extended to Councillor Philip Lashbrook and Councillor Linda Lashbrook for the excellent manner in which they have carried out their duties as Mayor and Mayoress of the Borough during the past year, and that they be accorded the privilege at their discretion of wearing the Past Mayor’s badge and the Past Mayoress’s badge respectively”.


Councillor Andersen seconded the motion.


Upon being put to the meeting the motion was carried and Councillors Philip Lashbrook and Linda Lashbrook were invested with the Past Mayor and part Mayoress’s badge.


Councillor Philip then replied to the vote of thanks and thanked Councillor Bailey and Mrs Hamilton for their support as Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress during the past year.


Election of a Deputy Mayor for the ensuring year

On appointment the Deputy Mayor will make in statutory form the declaration of acceptance of office.  The Deputy Mayor will be invested with his/her Insignia of Office.


Councillor Donnelly moved:


“That Councillor Linda Lashbrook be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year and until the appointment of her successor.”


Councillor Lodge seconded the motion.


Upon being put to the meeting the motion was carried. Councillor Linda Lashbrook then made in statutory form the declaration of acceptance of office.


Thereupon the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Consort, Councillor Philip Lashbrook, were invested with their badges of office.

The Mayor proposed an adjournment of the meeting to allow invited guests to retire for refreshments whilst members of the Council considered the remaining agenda items.


Councillor Gwynne seconded the motion.


Upon being put to the meeting the motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned for five minutes.


Appointments to Committees, Outside Bodies and dates and times of meetings of the Council pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To appoint the membership of the Committees of the Council, representatives to Outside Bodies and to approve the dates and times of ordinary meetings of the Council for the Civic Year 2024/25.


The Mayor reported that there had been no notice by a group of members wishing to be treated as a political group in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. The Mayor confirmed that seats allocated to committees reflected the political balance of the Council and proportionality.


Councillor Phil North proposed the recommendations and made an alteration to the membership of the General Purposes Committee replacing Councillor Andersen with Councillor Phil North. The meeting’s consent was signalled without discussion. Councillor Flood seconded the recommendations.




1.  That the appointments to committees and positions as set out below be approved:

Audit Committee (6)

Councillor Borg-Neal (Chairman), Councillor Hasselmann (Vice Chairman) and Councillors K Brooks, Hughes, Kohli and Leech.


General Purposes Committee (11)

Councillor P Lashbrook (Chairman), Councillor Matthews (Vice Chairman) and Councillors Adams-King, Z Brooks, Burnage, A Dowden, C Dowden, Flood, P North, MacDonald and Yalden.


Licensing Committee (15)

Councillor Donnelly (Chairman), Councillor Neal, (Vice-Chairman) and Councillors Andersen, Budzynski, Burnage, Cattell, G Cooper, Dunleavey, Ford, Gwynne, Kohli, L Lashbrook, P Lashbrook, Matthews and Swain.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee (18)

Councillors Andersen, Borg-Neal, K Brooks, Budzynski, Cattell, Daas, Gidley, Gillies, Gregori, Hasselmann, Hughes, Leech, Matthews, MacDonald, Neal, Parker, Warnes and Yalden.


Northern Area Planning Committee (13)

Councillor Budzynski (Chairman), Councillor Z Brooks, (Vice-Chairman) and Councillors Andersen, Borg-Neal, Donnelly, Gillies, Gregori, L Lashbrook, P Lashbrook, Lodge, Neal, K North and Sangster.


Southern Area Planning Committee (13)

Councillor M Cooper (Chairman), Councillor A Dowden, (Vice-Chairman) and Councillors Bailey, Bundy, C Dowden, Dunleavey, Ford, Gidley, Gwynne, Jeffrey, Johnston, Parker and Warnes.


2.  That the representatives as set out below be appointed to the named Committees and Outside Bodies for a period of one year or for the period specified:


a)  Local Organisations and Charities


Andover Town Football Club Board

To support and enhance sports curriculum & football academy based in Andover.

Alderman Carr


John Hanson Foundation Trust

A charitable trust providing prizes for students based in Andover.

Councillors Z Brooks, Leech and Neal


Miss Gale’s Educational Foundation

Financial support for families with children educated in Andover (and surrounding area).

Councillor Andersen


Test Valley Arts Foundation

To support and encourage arts and culture across the Borough.

Councillor Z Brooks


Test Valley Citizens Advice Bureau Management Committee

Provision of free advice to all across the Borough.

Councillor Flood


Tourism South East

To support the performance and growth of tourism across the borough.

(1)  Councillor Swain

(2)  Deputy: Councillor Gwynne



Charity providing development services for local charities and voluntary groups.

Alderwoman Baverstock


b)  Local Authority Co-operation


Hampshire & Isle of Wight Local Government Association

Regional forum.

The Chief Executive together with Councillors P North and Flood


Hampshire and IOW Police and Crime Panel

Statutory Joint Committee.

Councillor P Lashbrook


Local Government Association General Assembly

Local Government Forum.

Councillor P North


New Forest Consultative Panel

Consultative Forum for New Forest National Park.

Councillor Bailey


New Forest National Park Authority

Management of National Park.

Councillor Bailey


North Wessex Downs AONB Management Committee

To conserve and enhance the natural  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Appointment of Chairman to Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To appoint the Chairman to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


In accordance with the Council’s Public Participation Scheme, Mr Burley made a statement on the Appointment of Chairman to Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Mayor invited nominations for the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the coming year.


Councillor Phil North proposed, and Councillor Gwynne seconded the recommendation.  




That Councillor Daas be appointed as the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Scheme of Delegations pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To approve the Council’s scheme of officer delegations.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Council’s Scheme of Officer Delegations which was approved each year by Annual Council in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


Councillor P North proposed, and Councillor Flood seconded the recommendations.



1.  That the Scheme of Officers Delegations as set out in the Annex to the report be approved.

2.  That the Scheme set out in the Annex to the report be incorporated into the Constitution.