Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 26 October 2022 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 1, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover

Contact: Emma Horbury - 01264 368000  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Drew.


Public Participation


There was no public participation.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Adams-King wished it to be noted that he is a County Councillor Cabinet Member, but that it did not constitute an interest.  He remained in the room and spoke and voted thereon.


Councillor North wished it to be noted that he is a County Councillor, but that it did not constitute an interest.  He remained in the room and spoke and voted thereon.


Urgent Items


There were no urgent items to consider.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


There were no recommendations to consider from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Scheme - Publication of Statement of Intent pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Housing and Environmental Health

To consider the publication of a Statement of Intent to enable residents to access funding for energy efficiency measures through the ECO4 scheme.

Additional documents:



1.  That Cabinet note the change to Energy Company Obligation funding and that local authorities are required to publish an updated Statement of Intent to enable residents to access funding as appropriate for energy efficiency measures.

2.  That the recommended Option 1 be approved and the Statement of Intent at the Annex to the report be adopted.

3.  That the Head of Housing and Environmental Health be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Environmental Health (including Diversity and Inclusion), to make minor amendments to the Statement of Intent and/or publish future standardised versions of the Statement of Intent to reflect updated requirements from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Ofgem.


Consideration was given to a report of the Housing and Environmental Health Portfolio Holder which sought approval to declare and publish a Statement of Intent, as recommended by Ofgem, to enable qualifying households to access funding through the ECO4 scheme to assist with improvements to the energy efficiency of their homes, with a view to reducing fuel poverty.

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO), first introduced in 2013, is an energy efficiency scheme introduced by the government as part of its Sustainable Warmth Strategy, which places legal obligations on large energy suppliers to deliver energy efficiency measures to domestic premises. It focuses on insulation and heating measures, and is intended to assist in reducing fuel poverty, reducing carbon emissions, and helping the country to achieve its goal of net zero by 2050.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That Cabinet note the change to Energy Company Obligation funding and that local authorities are required to publish an updated Statement of Intent to enable residents to access funding as appropriate for energy efficiency measures.

2.  That the recommended Option 1 be approved and the Statement of Intent at the Annex to the report be adopted.

3.  That the Head of Housing and Environmental Health be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Environmental Health (including Diversity and Inclusion), to make minor amendments to the Statement of Intent and/or publish future standardised versions of the Statement of Intent to reflect updated requirements from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Ofgem.


Motion to Council - Energy Efficiency pdf icon PDF 380 KB

Housing and Environmental Health

To consider the motion referred to Cabinet from Council on 7 September 2022.



That delegated authority be given to the Head of Housing & Environmental Health, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Environmental Health to respond to the Call for Evidence, highlighting a range of challenges facing local government in achieving decarbonisation, including the challenges associated with the current funding schemes and resourcing the necessary work streams.


Councillor G Cooper, original proposer of the motion referred from Council on 7 September made a statement.


Consideration was given to a report of the Housing and Environmental Health Portfolio Holder which sought approval to participate in the national Call for Evidence which will enable TVBC to provide feedback on the policies, programmes and funding schemes in relation to delivering net zero, and to highlight the challenges encountered by local authorities.


Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


That delegated authority be given to the Head of Housing & Environmental Health, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Environmental Health to respond to the Call for Evidence, highlighting a range of challenges facing local government in achieving decarbonisation, including the challenges associated with the current funding schemes and resourcing the necessary work streams.


Draft Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 213 KB


To consider the draft Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation.

Additional documents:



1.  That the Draft Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, as shown in the annex to the report, be published for public consultation.

2.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development be given delegated authority in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, to make changes of a minor nature.


Consideration was given to a report of the Planning Portfolio Holder which sought approval to prepare and undertake public consultation on the draft Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document.


This is the first stage in the process towards adopting an updated SPD. Once adopted, the Council will use the document in the negotiation of planning applications and associated developer contributions. It will provide up to date guidance to developers and the public on the infrastructure and developer contributions likely to be sought on applications.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That the Draft Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, as shown in the annex to the report, be published for public consultation.

2.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development be given delegated authority in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, to make changes of a minor nature.


Test Valley Local Development Scheme (2022) pdf icon PDF 159 KB


To review the timetable for preparing the Local Plan 2040 and agree for consequential updates to the Local Development Scheme.



1.  That the Test Valley Local Development Scheme (2022) be updated in accordance with the timetable set out in the report.

2.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make changes of a minor nature to the Test Valley Local Development Scheme prior to publication.



Consideration was given to a report of the Planning Portfolio Holder which sought approval to amend the Local Development Scheme to reflect the amended timetable for the Local Plan.

The current Local Plan, adopted in January 2016 has a plan period which runs to 2029.  The Council has commenced the process of preparing the next Local Plan 2040. The Council adopted its current Local Development Scheme in September 2021 which sets out the approach and timetable the Council will follow in the preparation and adoption of planning policy documents, including the Local Plan. The most recent stage in the Local Plan’s preparation was a draft Regulation 18 Stage 1 consultation undertaken between 11 February and 8 April 2022.

The report set out the reasons for reviewing the timetable of the Local Plan 2040 and will lead to the need to update the LDS.

Having considered the options and for the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That the Test Valley Local Development Scheme (2022) be updated in accordance with the timetable set out in the report.

2.  That the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make changes of a minor nature to the Test Valley Local Development Scheme prior to publication.



Evaluation of New Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 247 KB


To present a summary of the process and lessons learnt from the ‘Evaluation of New Neighbourhoods’ Corporate Action Plan project.

Additional documents:



That the outcomes of the Corporate Action Plan project ‘Evaluation of New Neighbourhoods’ be noted and the actions contained within the Annex to the report be approved.


Consideration was given to a report of the Planning Portfolio Holder which summarised the process, the lessons learnt and the actions to take forward from the New Neighbourhoods.

Through the Local Plan process the Council has brought forward significant allocations of residential development in the form of new neighbourhoods. As part of the Corporate Plan the Council has evaluated the new development areas in the borough as part of its commitment to ensuring that new residential developments will meet the highest quality standards in the homes they provide and the environment they create. The evaluation has identified a series of actions which will help improve the process of delivering the Borough’s future new neighbourhoods.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


That the outcomes of the Corporate Action Plan project ‘Evaluation of New Neighbourhoods’ be noted and the actions contained within the Annex to the report be approved.


Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24 - 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 399 KB

Finance and Resources

To present the financial framework within which the 2023/24 budget will be prepared.

Additional documents:



1.  That the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2023/24 to 2025/26 be approved.

2.  That the Medium Term Financial Forecast, as shown in Annex 5 to the report, be noted.



Consideration was given to a report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which set out the framework within which the 2023/24 budget will be prepared.  It also set out the Medium Term Financial Forecast for the General Fund income and expenditure, which will form the basis of the 2023/24 budget.


The strategy considered the potential impact of macro-economic factors such as inflation and interest rate forecasts and the effects they will have on budget planning in the medium term.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:



1.  That the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2023/24 to 2025/26 be approved.

2.  That the Medium Term Financial Forecast, as shown in Annex 5 to the report, be noted.



Corporate Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Finance and Resources

To compare actual revenue income and expenditure against profiled budget for the six months ended 30 September 2022.

Additional documents:



That the financial position for each Service and the key revenue areas contained in the Annex to the report be noted.


Consideration was given to a report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which reviewed the Council’s revenue spending for the first six months of the 2022/23 financial year.  It also examined the main differences between the original estimate for 2022/23 and actual spend to 30 September 2022 and provided explanations for significant variances.

Overall, net expenditure to 30 September 2022 was £749,000 lower than budgeted at this stage of the year. This favourable variance comprises additional income and savings of £408,000 due to service related expenditure and £341,000 more income from the Council’s investing and borrowing activities.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


That the financial position for each Service and the key revenue areas contained in the Annex to the report be noted.


Vigo Road Recreation Ground Management Plan pdf icon PDF 297 KB

Community, Leisure and Tourism

To recommend approval of a management plan which will help guide improvement and development of this green space.

Additional documents:



That the Management Plan for Vigo Road Recreation Ground annexed to the report be approved.


Consideration was given to a report of the Community, Leisure and Tourism Portfolio Holder which summarised the work to develop a Management Plan for Vigo Road Recreation Ground following community consultation undertaken through the Andover Vision.  The management plan will help guide the improvement and development of this green space.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:



That the Management Plan for Vigo Road Recreation Ground annexed to the report be approved.


Rural England Prosperity Fund pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Climate Emergency and Countryside

To outline the requirements of the Rural England Prosperity Fund.



1.  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder and Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder and Head of Finance and Revenues to submit the Rural England Prosperity Fund Investment Plan.

2.  That if required, the Capital Receipts Reserve be used to forward fund approved expenditure until government funding tranches are released.



Consideration was given to a report of the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder which outlined the requirements of the Rural England Prosperity Fund and explained the proposed process to develop and submit the Investment Plan required to draw down the funding.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development in consultation with the Climate Emergency and Countryside Portfolio Holder and Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder and Head of Finance and Revenues to submit the Rural England Prosperity Fund Investment Plan.

2.  That if required, the Capital Receipts Reserve be used to forward fund approved expenditure until government funding tranches are released.



Interim Rights under the Electronic Communications Code pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Finance and Resources

To consider statutory Notice served by EE Limited and Hutchinson 3G Limited seeking agreement to carry out survey works at Beech Hurst Car Park under the Electronic Communications Code.

Additional documents:



1.  That a works agreement is entered into with EE Limited and Hutchinson 3G Limited in terms substantially as set out in the draft Agreement Annexed to this report.

2.  That the Head of Planning and Building and Head of Legal and Democratic Services are given authority to settle the final form of the Agreement.


Consideration was given to a report of the Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder which considered statutory Notice served by EE Limited and Hutchinson 3G Limited seeking agreement to carry out survey works at Beech Hurst Car Park under the Electronic Communications Code.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


1.  That a works agreement is entered into with EE Limited and Hutchinson 3G Limited in terms substantially as set out in the draft Agreement Annexed to the report.

2.  That the Head of Planning and Building and Head of Legal and Democratic Services be given authority to settle the final form of the Agreement.


A County Deal for Hampshire pdf icon PDF 375 KB


To seek support for the ‘prospectus of change’ as the basis of an initial discussion with government about a potential County Deal for Hampshire.

Additional documents:



That the “prospectus for change” document attached as an annex to this report be supported as the basis of an initial discussion with government about a potential County Deal for Hampshire.


Consideration was given to a report of the Leader which sought support for the “prospectus for change” document annexed to the report.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill provides for a new model of Combined Authority that enables “devolution deals” to be agreed with government with county councils and/or unitary councils in collaboration with district councils.  In Hampshire, the County Council has led on the development of a prospectus which could form the basis of an initial conversation with government about a potential county deal for the Hampshire area.

Having considered the options and the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet agreed to the following:


That the “prospectus for change” document attached as an annex to this report be supported as the basis of an initial discussion with government about a potential County Deal for Hampshire.