Venue: The Annexe, Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road, Romsey
Contact: Caroline Lovelock - 01264 368000 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Budzynski, Daas, Hughes, Leech and Parker. |
Public Participation Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent Items Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 28 August 2024.
Minutes: Councillor MacDonald proposed and Councillor Hasselmann seconded that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 August 2024 were a correct record. Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 August 2024 be signed as an accurate record. |
Call in Items Minutes: There were no call in items. |
Urgent decisions taken since last meeting Minutes: There were no urgent decisions. |
Programme of Work for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee To enable Members to keep the Committee’s future work programme under review (20 minutes) Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Chairman which enabled members to keep the Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme under review alongside an update on current activity of the Committee. The report also brought forward proposals for establishment of two task and finish panels.
The Chairman invited Councillor Hasselmann to take the Committee through the scope for the proposed Affordable Housing – Service User Experience panel. Councillor Hasselmann explained that the panel would like to look at the experience, needs and insight of tenants of social housing/affordable housing and to ensure that the experience of social rented tenants is at the heart of the Council’s future housing strategy. As part of the review the panel would like to engage with partner organisations such as Citizens Advice Bureau, Foodbank, Mental Health Services, primary care providers, Adult Social Care, disability charities, service user groups/representatives..
In the absence of Councillor John Parker, the Deputy Chief Executive took the Committee through the scope for the proposed Supply of Affordable Housing panel. The panel aims to look at the build and provision of all forms of affordable housing, to include purchase and rental, local authority housing association and public housing offered at less than the market price to inform future strategy and policy direction related to affordable housing.
Members discussed the two scopes and it was suggested that the first meeting of both panels would be a joint session to look at all different forms of affordable housing and social housing so that the panels can then understand the different options and how others are tackling the problem together with Government policy.
Councillor Gidley also asked to be added to both panel membership.
The Chairman explained that a number of higher priority topics discussed at the Away Day have been added to the Work Programme and the rest of the topics will be added once dates have been agreed.
The Deputy Chief Executive reported that the items in italics were for Members to discuss and agree whether they wished them to go on the Work Programme. A briefing note is being prepared on waste collection which will be circulated shortly and Members can decide whether they wish an item to come to Committee in November or at another time this year. Unity have agreed to come to the Committee in either November or January.
Councillor Hasselmann proposed and Councillor Gregori seconded the motion. Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
1. That the current Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme (updated for October 2024), as shown in Annex 1 to the report, be approved.
2. That the update on Panels shown in Annex 2 to the report be noted.
3. That the scope for the Supply of Affordable Housing panel be approved and the panel members, as set out in annex 2b of the report including Councillor Gidley, be appointed.
4. That the scope for Affordable Housing – User Experience panel be approved, and the panel members, as set ... view the full minutes text for item 210. |
Regeneration Panel Final Report To consider the findings of the Regeneration Panel (20 minutes) Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Councillor Gwynne and the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development to the meeting. Councillor Gwynne was previously a member of the Committee and led the Regeneration Panel. The Panel has now concluded its work and Councillor Gwynne introduced the conclusions from the Panel with recommendations for the Committee to consider.
Councillor Gwynne took the Committee through the findings of the Panel and explained that it was recommended that a panel should be re-established in 2026 due to the changes that have happened since the Masterplan was drawn up, with a potential focus on describing the framework for a review of the Andover Masterplan. The Panel also recommended Officer-led jointsessions on both masterplans - including how they are supported by Andover Vision / Romsey Future.
Recommended to Cabinet:
1. That the Committee endorses the proposals of the Regeneration Panel:-
a. That all councillor briefings be arranged to update on progress with both masterplans at least annually, and at all key milestones;
b. That a review of progress and next steps for the Andover masterplan to be undertaken in 2026; and
c. That all member briefings be held on the future business plan for the new theatre and the current management arrangements for the Chantry Centre.
2. That the findings of the Regeneration Panel as set out in recommendation 1 are recommended to Cabinet.
Updated Climate Emergency Action Plan To seek endorsement of the refreshed Climate Emergency Action Plan prior to being submitted to Cabinet (20 minutes) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development, the Principal Planning Officer (Environment) and the Climate Change Officer to the meeting.
The Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development explained that the Climate Emergency Working Group was a cross party group comprising seven members who have guided and directed the content of the Climate Emergency Action Plan and will be involved with monitoring the progress of the delivery of actions moving forward and bringing forward a refreshed Plan.
The Climate Change Officer took Members through the report and highlighted some of the key elements which the group proposed. The Plan focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving resilience to the effects of climate change and uses a timescale to tie the Plan in with the Council’s Corporate Plan. The Working Group will continue to monitor and evaluate the Action Plan and review lessons learnt, this will be documented by an annual progress report. Where additional opportunities arise, they will be explored.
Members discussed:
· Council fleet vehicles and charging infrastructure. · Listed buildings and heritage assets guidance and training. · Electric charging points. · Potential for the production of a high energy producing plant . · Milestones and next steps. · Annual report to Cabinet · Investigating opportunities that come forward.
The annual report would be received by the Climate Emergency Working Group before being considered by Cabinet. It was at the Committee’s discretion to review that report prior to Cabinet.
Members agreed that it was a very good high quality report and thanked officers for their hard work.
Councillor Gregori proposed and Councillor Matthews seconded the motion. Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
1. That the refreshed draft Climate Emergency Action Plan (attached as an Annex to the report) is noted and endorsed.
Recommended to Cabinet:
2. That the refreshed draft Climate Emergency Action Plan, annexed to the report, be recommended.