SITE: Ashley Glebe Farm Barn, Chalk Vale, Ashley, SO20 6RG, ASHLEY
CASE OFFICER: Paul Goodman
Delegate to the Head of Planning and Building to finalise appropriate wording to conditions associated with 1. Commencement of development within 3 years; 2. Controlling external materials; 3. In accordance with Arboricultural report; 4. Install Tree Protection Measures; 5. Provide details of service runs and avoid trees; 6. Provision of hard and soft landscaping to the boundaries and public appreciable areas of the development; 7. Provision and retention of car parking areas; 8. Controls on the provision of external lighting; 9. Controls on water efficiency to 110 litres per day per person; 10. Controls on the hours of construction; 11. Controls on the contamination and contaminated land; 12. List of approved plans; 13. Requirement for a Construction and Environmental Management plan (CEMP); 14. Ensure the Package treatment plant is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and maintained in perpetuity in accordance with the methodology approved as part of the Habitats Regulation Assessment; PERMISSION subject to those conditions. |
The Committee recognised that the grant of planning permission in this instance, contrary to the Officer recommendation, constituted a departure from the adopted Development Plan (Policy COM02 of the Test Valley Borough Local Plan 2016) in that the proposal was neither an appropriate form of development specified in the policy (criterion a), or that it was essential to be in the countryside (criterion b). Despite that position, the Committee considered, as material planning considerations, that the previous approval of a Class Q conversion of an existing building on site, and a subsequent grant of planning permission for conversion of the same building, before the building was demolished weighed in favour of permitting a new-build residential dwelling on the land in this instance. The Committee attached significant weight to the position that the new dwelling was identical in shape, form, appearance and siting of the previously approved conversion scheme. The Committee also attached moderate weight to the benefits arising from the clearance, and “tidying-up”, of demolition material currently at the site in the interests of protecting the amenity of neighbouring dwellings. The Committee was also satisfied that suitable arrangements had been made (secured via condition 14) with regard to the effect of nitrates arising from the development on the Solent European site of nature conservation. Whilst this factor neither weighed-in favour or against the grant of planning permission the Committee was satisfied that a resolution in favour of granting planning permission did not require further action from the Head of Planning and Building in this respect.
The Committee, having considered the planning history of the site and environmental benefits associated with the proposed development, was satisfied that there were sufficient material planning considerations to justify granting permission as a departure from the policies of the local plan.
The Officer’s recommendation as per the agenda was proposed by Councillor M Cooper and seconded by Councillor A Dowden. Upon being put to the vote the motion fell. An alternative recommendation for permission was proposed by Councillor Parker and seconded by Councillor A Dowden, upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
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