To consider motions proposed by Councillors Coole, Ecclestone and Adams-King.
1. Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Coole and seconded by Councillor Harber.
‘That this Council resolves to:
Write to our Members of Parliament and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, urging them to introduce legislation to substantially reduce the maximum noise level of fireworks sold to the public for private displays.
Continue to actively encourage the advanced publication of all public firework displays within the Borough’s boundary, to allow residents to take precautions for their animals and vulnerable people, and to promote an advanced public awareness campaign about the impact of fireworks – including precautions that can be taken to mitigate risks.’
Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
2. Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Coole and seconded by Councillor Ecclestone.
‘That in the interests of transparency, the way that individual Members vote on Resolutions and Motions be recorded for all Council and Committee Meetings and be made publicly available on the Council’s Website. And that the Council’s Constitution be amended accordingly.’
Upon being put to the vote the motion was lost.
3. Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Coole and seconded by Councillor Harber.
That to combat period poverty, this Council will:
Provide free period products in Council owned/managed female and gender-neutral toilet rooms or cubicles.
Top up the Government’s Period Product Scheme for Schools and Colleges in England provision from 35% to 100% by making available on application, a Period Poverty Payment of £17.30 per eligible student to Schools and Colleges in Test Valley, to help them provide free period products in their female and gender-neutral owned/managed toilet rooms or cubicles.
Invite and encourage all Test Valley Parish/Town Councils, businesses, charities, community and other organisations, to introduce free period products in their female and gender-neutral owned/managed toilet rooms or cubicles.’
The Mayor stated that under Council Procedure Rule 12.4, a motion whose subject matter comes within the province of the Cabinet or any Committee, shall, upon being moved and seconded stand referred to the Cabinet or Committee for consideration and report without discussion, save for the mover of the motion reading it out should they wish to do so.
The Mayor confirmed that the subject matter of this motion falls within scope of the Cabinet, and therefore stands referred to Cabinet.
4. Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Ecclestone and seconded by Councillor Coole.
‘In light of the lack of public consultation when the Andover War Memorial was originally moved in 1956 and the on-going groundswell of public opinion for the restoration to its position on the High Street we move:
That TVBC joins with Andover Town Council in conducting a public consultation on the resiting of the Memorial on the High Street with the goal of a Referendum in May 2021 on the subject for the residents of Andover.’
Upon being put to the vote the motion was lost.
5. Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Coole and seconded by Councillor Ecclestone.
Before Councillor Coole read out his Motion, The Mayor reminded Councillors that an application in relation to the Rendezvous was to be considered at the Council's Northern Area Planning Committee the following evening. He also reminded members sitting on that Committee who wished to contribute to debate that they should avoid predetermining their position in the course of debate
‘That the Andover Special Expenses Levy Service Community Hall, The Rendezvous, be repurposed as a Town Centre Youth Club.’
Upon being put to the vote the Motion was lost.
6. The motion on the agenda to be proposed by Councillor Adams King and seconded by Councillor Bundy relating to a South Hampshire Green Belt designation for the countryside surrounding the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth and continued support to the Partnership for South Hampshire was not dealt with within the time allowed for the meeting and therefore stands referred to the next Council meeting on Friday 27 February 2021.
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