Agenda item

Questions under Rule 11.1


Councillor Gidley asked a question regarding the minutes included in the Council agenda under item 7 and in the minute book.

It was reported that several minutes listed in the agenda were not present in the minute book as those minutes were not available for hard copy print at the time of the Council agenda publication. On this occasion, the Audit Committee minutes of 27 March were included in the minute book but not listed in the agenda pack due to an error. It was noted the minutes from committees were received by Council, but it was for each committee to approve its own minutes.

Councillor Parker asked a question in relation to the minutes from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 19 April 2023, minute number 571 – Enforcement Panel Final Report. Councillor Parker asked if the recommendations, having been resolved by the Committee and not recommended to Cabinet or Council, would be taken forward as set out in the minutes.

It was confirmed that officers had been closely involved in the panel’s work and would be taking the recommendations as agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee forward.

Councillor Celia Dowden asked a question in relation to the minutes from the Cabinet meeting held on 12 April 2023, minute number 557 – Public Spaces Protection Order. Councillor Celia Dowden referred to an incident at Knightwood where a dog had been allegedly attacked and killed by another dog and enquired as to the number of times the Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) had been enforced.

Councillor Phil North was disappointed to hear of the incident Councillor Celia Dowden referred to and confirmed that the PSPOs had been used in the past. Further information on the use of the PSPOs would be circulated to Councillor Celia Dowden outside of the meeting.

Councillor Celia Dowden asked a question in relation to the minutes from the Annual Council meeting held on 24 May 2023, minute number 7 – Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies and dates and times of meetings of the Council. Councillor Celia Dowden asked what support was in place for Councillors who were appointed to outside bodies and what mechanisms were in place for Councillors to report back on the work they undertake in relation to the outside bodies. 

Councillor Phil North advised that appointments to outside bodies were reviewed in the lead up to Annual Council each year with outside bodies asked if they still required representation. The number of appointments to outside bodies had reduced over the last few years however Councillor appointments still played an important role in supporting organisations in the borough. Councillors were encouraged to provide feedback on the work of outside bodies which would be shared with all Councillors through an appropriate method. The Democratic Services Manager advised that information on outside body appointments had been shared following Annual Council and that any Councillors who had not received this should contact the Democratic Services Manager who would ensure this was sent to them.


Councillor Alan Dowden asked a question in relation to the minutes from the Cabinet meeting held on 12 April 2023, minute number 557 – Public Spaces Protection Order. Councillor Alan Dowden asked how the PSPOs would be enforced with limited community policing.

Councillor Phil North advised that the PSPOs had been enforced on a number of occasions and that he would respond with further details outside of the meeting.