Agenda item

22/03317/FULLS - 03.01.2023


SITE: Barns at Glebe Farm, Salisbury Road, Sherfield English, SO51 6FL


CASE OFFICER: Sarah Barter













Osman Homes



Barns At Glebe Farm , Salisbury Road, Sherfield English, SO51 6FL,  SHERFIELD ENGLISH



Demolish agricultural buildings and associated structures, erect 3 dwellings with associated garages, parking, hard and soft landscaping and associated works



Nitrate information

Ecology impact assessment

Ecology report

Site layout

Roof material alteration on plot 3



Sarah Barter


The Officer’s recommendation as per the agenda was proposed by Councillor M Cooper and seconded by Councillor A Dowden.  Councillor Johnston proposed an amendment to include a further note (note 4). This was seconded by Councillor A Dowden.  Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried and so was the substantive motion.


PERMISSION subject to:


The development hereby permitted shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission.

Reason:  To comply with the provision of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers

  20220-01 P1 - Location plan

  20220-03 P1 - Existing site plan

  20220-04 P1 - Existing site layout

  20220-05 P1  - Proposed site plan

  20220-06 P1 - Proposed site layout

  20220-20 P1 - Proposed elevations plot 1

  20220-21 P1 - Proposed elevations plot 2

  20220-30 P1 - Proposed elevations plot 3

  20220-10 P1 - Proposed ground floor - Plot 1 and 2

  20220-11 P1 - Proposed first Floor - Plot 1 and 2

  20220-25 P1 - Proposed floor - Plot 3

  20220-35 P1 - Proposed garage plot 2

  20220-31 P1 - Proposed section - Plot 3

  TPP-KC/GLEBEFARM/001 - Tree Protection

  045-MP-01 - Landscape details

  20220-07 P1 - Ecology mitigation and enhancement

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


No development shall take place above DPC level of the development hereby permitted until samples and details of the materials to be used in the construction of all external surfaces hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure the development has a satisfactory external appearance in the interest of visual amenities in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1.


The development shall not be occupied until space has been laid out and provided for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles to enable them to enter and leave the site in a forward gear in accordance with the approved plan and this space shall thereafter be reserved for such purposes at all times.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy T1.


No development shall take place above DPC level of the development hereby permitted until full details of hard and soft landscape works have been submitted and approved. Details shall include-where appropriate: proposed finished levels or contours, means of enclosure and car parking layouts where relevant.

Soft landscape works shall include: planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities.

The landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the implementation programme and in accordance with the management plan.

Reason:  To improve the appearance of the site and enhance the character of the development in the interest of visual amenity and contribute to the character of the local area in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1 and E2.


No development shall take place above DPC level of the development hereby permitted until a schedule of landscape implementation and maintenance for a minimum period of 5 years has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The schedule shall include details of the arrangements for the phasing of the implementation and ongoing maintenance during that period in accordance with appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of practise. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved schedule.

Reason: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance to a suitable standard of the approved landscape designs to create and maintain the appearance of the site and enhance the character of the development in the interest of visual amenity and to contribute to the character of the local area in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1 and E2.


Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order amending, revoking or re-enacting that Order), no building, structure, walls or fences of any kind shall be erected without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  In order that the Local Planning Authority can exercise control in the locality in the interest of the local amenities in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1.


Details of the siting and design of any proposed external meter boxes/metal ducting/flues shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development. The installation of the meter boxes/metal ducting/flues shall be in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To protect the setting of the listed building and the wider landscape in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policies E1, E2 and E9


Prior to the commencement of demolition and construction activity including site clearance or ground-works, a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The CEMP shall detail the significant risks posed to amenity from the emission of noise, dust and light and set out the mitigation measures to be employed to control such emissions and mitigate the effects of such emissions on sensitive land uses. Unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority, construction activity shall only take place in  accordance with the approved CEMP.

Reason: To minimise the risks of pollution and to ensure the site is satisfactorily developed in accordance with policy E8 of the Revised Borough Local Plan


No work relating to the construction of the development hereby approved, including site clearance, deliveries, collections or works of demolition or preparation prior to operations, shall take place before the hours of 07.30 nor after 18.00 on Mondays to Fridays; before the hours of 08.00 nor after 13.00 on Saturdays; and at all on Sundays and Bank/Public Holidays, unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the amenities of nearby dwellings in accordance with policy LHW4 of the Revised Borough Local Plan 2016.


In the event that contamination is found at any time during demolition and/or construction works, the presence of such contamination shall be reported in writing to the Local Planning Authority without delay and development shall be suspended on the affected part of the site until a remediation scheme for dealing with that contamination has been approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved remediation scheme shall be implemented and, if requested, a verification report, for the purpose of certifying adherence to the approved remediation scheme, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to the site being brought in to use.

Reason: To minimise the risks of pollution and to ensure the site is satisfactorily de-contaminated in accordance with policy E8 of the Revised Borough Local Plan


Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and  re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no windows/dormer windows [other than those expressly authorised by this permission] shall be constructed.

Reason:  In order that the Local Planning Authority can exercise control in the locality in the interest of the local amenities in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policies E1, E2, LHW4


Development shall be provided in accordance with Section 7 ‘Precautionary Measures, Avoidance & Mitigation’ of the Ecological Impact Assessment by Eclipse Ecology Ltd (February 2023) and the ‘Proposed Ecology Mitigation and Enhancement Plan’ drawing no. 20220-07 by LDArchitecture Ltd dated 10.02.23.

Reason: To ensure the favourable conservation status of protected species in accordance with Policy E5 of the Test Valley Revised Local Plan


The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in full accordance with the provisions set out within the Technical Arboriculture Arboricultural Impact Appraisal and Method Statement reference AIA/AMS-KC/GLEBEFARM/001 dated November 2022.

Reason: To ensure the enhancement of the development by the retention of existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan policy E2.


All service routes, drain runs, soakaways or excavations in connection with the development hereby permitted shall remain wholly outside the tree protective barrier.

Reason: To ensure the avoidance of damage to existing trees and natural features during the construction phase in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan policy E2.


The development hereby approved shall be designed and built to meet Regulation 36 2 (b) requirement of 110 litres/person/day water efficiency set out in part G2 of Building Regulations 2015.

Reason: In the interests of improving water usage efficiency in accordance with policy E7 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016.


Before the development hereby permitted is commenced details, including plans and cross sections, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority of the existing and proposed ground levels of the development and the boundaries of the site and the height of the ground floor slab and damp proof course in relation thereto. Development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure satisfactory relationship between the new development and the adjacent buildings, amenity areas and trees in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy E1






No external lighting shall be installed until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The submitted details shall include plans and details sufficient to demonstrate the location, type, specification and luminance level. External lighting shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details and retained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure the favourable conservation status of protected species in accordance with Policy E5 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016).


At least the first 4.5 metres of both access tracks measured from the nearside edge of carriageway of the adjacent highway shall be surfaced in a non-migratory material prior to the use of the access commencing and retained as such at all times.

Reason: In the interest of highway safety in accordance with Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) Policy T1


The proposed Rewatec Solido Smart package treatment plants shall be installed to serve the dwellings hereby permitted prior to occupation. The treatment plants shall be retained and maintained in accordance with the foul drainage management plan (Rewatec Solido Smart package treatment plant user guide), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to avoid adverse impact on the Solent and Southampton Water SPA by way of additional nitrates emanating from the development in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 and Policy E5 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016).


In the event that any of the approved Rewatec Solido Smart package treatment plants are replaced, the replacement package treatment plant/s shall achieve a performance output of 10mg/l nitrogen or less, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to avoid adverse impact on the Solent and Southampton Water SPA by way of additional nitrates emanating from the development in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 and Policy E5 of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016).

Notes to applicant:


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the submitted plans, specifications and written particulars for which permission is hereby granted or which are subsequently submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority and in compliance with any conditions imposed by the Local Planning Authority.


There is potential at this location for asbestos containing material. If this is found at any time during implementation of the development please be aware that removal and disposal must be undertaken in accordance with all legal requirements, whether they be enforced by the Local Authority or other government agencies. Any such removal and disposal must be completed prior to the site being brought in to use.





Bats and their roosts receive strict legal protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. All work must stop immediately if bats, or evidence of bat presence (e.g. droppings, bat carcasses or insect remains), are encountered at any point during this development. Should this occur, further advice should be sought from Natural England and/or a professional ecologist.


External lighting shall follow best practice guidelines outlined by the Bat Conservation Trust and Institute of Lighting Professionals to limit the effect of lighting on the local bat population.



Supporting documents: