Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget & Council Tax Proposals

23/02/2023 - Revenue Budget and Council Tax Proposals 2023/24

Recommended to Council:

1.  That the Forecast for 2022/23, as set out in Column 3 of Annex 1 to the report, be noted.

2.  That the Income Generation Proposals, Savings Options and Revenue Pressures, as set out in Annexes 2 – 4 of the report, be approved.

3.  That the transfers to or from reserves, as detailed in paragraph 4.35 in the report, be approved.

4.  That subject to recommendations 2 and 3 above and taking due regard of the Head of Finance and Revenues’ comments in Annex 8 to the report, the budget for 2023/24, as set out in Column 6 of Annex 1 to the report, be approved.

5.  That subject to recommendations 2, 3 and 4 above, the revenue estimates for each Service, contained in Annex 7 to the report, be approved.

6.  That a Council Tax Requirement for 2023/24 of £10,585,319 be approved.

7.  That a Special Expenses Levy of £343,667 be made in respect of the area of Andover to cover the cost of providing burial grounds, sports grounds and playgrounds, as set out in Annex 9, to the report.

8.  That a general precept of £8,258,235 be levied for the year 2023/24.

9.  That the Medium Term Forecast, contained in Annex 6 to the report, be noted.

10.  That a Band D Council Tax excluding Parishes and Special Expenses of £158.91 in 2023/24 be approved.