Issue - decisions

Introduction of Debit/Credit Card and Contactless Payment Methods for Parking Tickets

12/06/2019 - Introduction of Debit/Credit Card and Contactless Payment Methods for Parking Tickets


1.  The Council replace its cash only pay and display ticket machines with new ticket machines capable of accepting debit/credit card and contactless payment methods in addition to cash, as set out in Option 2 at a total cost as set out in Exempt Annex 4 to the report.

2.  That the Head of Estates and Economic Development in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder be authorised to take such steps as necessary to implement Option 2.

3.  That funds to cover the cost of the contract (as set out in Exempt Annex 4) be allocated from the New Homes Bonus Reserve for the purchase and installation of 43 replacement pay and display ticket machines.