Issue - decisions

Urgent Items

12/09/2019 - Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the addition of the following item of urgent business to the agenda for the meeting of Cabinet on Wednesday 11 September 2019:


Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Council Tax Support Scheme Panel Update


Following the establishment of an Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Panel to consider the impact of the changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme 2020/21, the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were required to be considered by Cabinet in order for the draft scheme to go out for an 8 week public consultation, beginning 18 September, and allow sufficient time for the feedback to be reviewed and a final scheme approved by Council. Approval of a final scheme was required in a timely manner in order for the Council to be able to continue to provide council tax support to eligible residents in the Borough.




That a consultation be undertaken on the following options:

·  A fixed deduction of £4 per week for non-dependant adults living in the property

·  Eligibility for CTS is limited to claimants with less than £6,000 in savings

·  Removal of the Second Adult Rebate from the scheme

·  Removal of Extended Payments from the scheme